Saturday, December 21, 2019

The United States Of The World War II - 1296 Words

President Abraham Lincoln once said, â€Å"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man s character, give him power† (1). Power can be used to fight for civil liberties, but the abuse of it can lead to holocausts. Throughout history, power has often been put into the wrong hands, which has resulted in genocides, holocausts, and massacres. The responsibility associated with power is unfathomable. The United States of America has fought against power and has successfully maintained it. As the most influential power in the world, the US has to use its authority to maintain peace and spread capitalism. There have been very few times in American history when the US has abused its power, but one of these times was during World War II. During the Second World War, the United States used atomic weaponry, first introduced by Albert Einstein and other German-American scientists. The United States government spent two billion dollars funding the Manhattan Project, the name of the atomic weapon research enterprise. During the mid-twentieth century, the United States was on the rise to becoming a world superpower. The creation of the atomic bomb enhanced the US’s international power and was a threat towards other nations, such as the Soviet Union. Towards the end of World War II, the US decided to use the bombs to destroy cities in Japan to speed up the surrender of the Japanese. The bombs on Japan were unnecessary in the outcome of World War II which raises theShow MoreRelatedThe United States Of World War II975 Words   |  4 PagesThe United States of America entered into World W ar II, because of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor (World War II). On December 7, 1941, Japan bombed the American fleet in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (World War II). By the end of the attack, there were 2,403 dead, 188 destroyed planes, and 8 damaged or destroyed battleships (Attack at Pearl Harbor). Franklin Roosevelt said that American must become â€Å"the great arsenal of democracy† (World War II). America then entered into the war at the Battle of MidwayRead MoreThe United States And The World War II1537 Words   |  7 PagesThe United States might not be the perfect country in the world, but it is one of the most victorious countries of today’s world. Our country’s huge history consist of a great amount of important and momentous events that have lead our country into the place we know now. As a country we have had our fair share or triumph crisis and everything in between. But overall the most important event in the history of the United States is the World War II, there is a lot of reason why World War II is one ofRead MoreThe United States And World War II956 Words   |  4 PagesThe United States truly showed that we were coming together as a nation to become one of the most dominant countries in the world. The United States was brought into World War II when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. This event took Americans by surprise and soon would lead to bigger problems. The United States did not take the bombing lightly, and we gave Japan exactly what they deserved. On August 6th and 9th in the year of 1945, the United States dropped atomic bombs in the citiesRead MoreWorld War II : The United States1202 Words   |  5 PagesBefore World War II, the American people supported isolationism due to the general belief that America should not have been a part of World War I. Furthermore, people believed World War I caused the Great Depression, as well as the deaths of thousands of Americans. I believe this opinion changed o n December 7, 1941. On this morning, the Japanese military bombed the Pearl Harbor Naval base in Hawaii. I think American citizens view changed because they were attacked on their soil and a total of 2,403Read MoreThe United States And The World War II899 Words   |  4 Pages The United States, also known as the land of the free and the home of the brave. The United States has been an icon for freedom and integrity for generations before us and is bound to have written in various texts around the world. The United States has done its best to do the right thing throughout the world. It believes itself to be the one to fix the issues that are happening in the world around them as an act of kindness and justice. In the first World War, when Britain was falling and the GermanRead MoreThe United States And The World War II1553 Words   |  7 PagesPurpose History showed that the United States and its Allies triumphantly fought back against the Axis Powers to end the Second World War. While headlines and credits for the ultimate triumph centered around the politicians and generals, no successful war effort would come to light without the heroic figures in the civilian world and the companies they ran, who produced the ships, tanks, airplanes, weapons and ammunition more quickly, to higher standards and in greater quantities, than the enemyRead MoreThe World War II On The United States2035 Words   |  9 Pageslearned as a result of the two World Wars that were fought on this Earth. World War 1 began essentially after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo June 28th 1914. There is debate as to whether or not this one was the main catalyst but there certainly were other factors that could have played a part. There were political changes happening in major European nations at the time also the industrial revolution was in full swing by then. World War II on the other hand was largelyRead MoreThe United States Of The World War II Essay1801 Words   |  8 Pages1941, the United States of America was heaved into World War II after Japan attacked the American naval convoy in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The next day after the Japanese’s surprise attack, America and Great Britain both declared war on Japan. The Second World War was histories greatest and most noteworthy armed conflict. It served as the environment for the current arrangement of security and intellect, and for the postwar power stability that shaped the agenda for the Cold War. World War II partookRead MoreThe United States And The World War II1213 Words   |  5 PagesWhile cooperation between Britain and the United States in the European theater was less than it could have been the same could be said about the Pacific theater. Before the United States became directly involved in World War II, the British government tried unsucc essfully to convince them to take a stronger stance against Japanese aggression against China or at least make it clear that America was paying attention to Asia. On one occasion they inquired whether â€Å"it [would] not be possible for [Roosevelt]Read MoreThe United States and World War II554 Words   |  2 Pages â€Æ'The majority of the history of the United States during the 1940’s was plagued by World War II. However, before the U.S. entered the war, the first antibiotic penicillin was successfully used which revolutionized the medical field and WWII. Also, the U.S. Congress approved the first peacetime draft for the Army. On November 5, 1940, Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president for his third term. This was the first time in U.S. history that a president had been elected for three terms. On December

Friday, December 13, 2019

Introduction to heritage tourism Free Essays

In Northern Ireland heritage tourism attractions can be classified in many different ways. These include manmade but not built to attract tourists attractions, manmade and purpose built to attract tourists attractions, natural attractions and can also be applied to special events. It is hoped that this seminar will help people to gain a wider understanding and appreciation of heritage tourism and the efforts of the bodies who do so much excellent work in order to protect and preserve Northern Ireland’s rich heritage attractions. We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction to heritage tourism or any similar topic only for you Order Now Manmade but not built to attract tourist heritage attractions include the Walls of Derry which were built in 1613 to protect the inhabitants from hostile enemies. They fulfilled their purpose during the siege by the Jacobites and defended the city for more than a hundred days until the siege ended. Another example of a heritage attraction is St Columb’s Cathedral, built in 1633 and was the first cathedral in the British Isles to be built after the Reformation. Today, like the Walls, they are the city’s most popular tourist attraction and receive hundreds of tourists a year .However the Cathedral is still used to worship in. The Walls are owned by the Honourable The Irish Society but are looked after by the Environment and Heritage Service. Manmade and purpose built to attract tourist attractions include the Tower Museum, which was built in 1992, which has displays on the early history of Derry, the Siege and the role it played during World War Two. Another example of this is the Ulster American Folk Park in Tyrone which was primarily built as an educational facility. It was built in the late 1970’s to celebrate the United States’ bicentenary in 1976. It is owned by MAGNI (National Museums and Galleries of Northern Ireland) which looks after all the museums and parks in its care. Natural attractions include the Giant’s Causeway in County Antrim which was formed sixty five million years ago by the cooling of magma into its unique hexagonal shapes. It is perhaps the legend of Finn MacCool forming the Causeway that is perhaps more interesting than the actual formation. It is also the only World Heritage Site in Ireland having been made so in 1986. Special heritage attractions include the Halloween festival and the Maiden City Festival in Derry. The Maiden City festival was first held in 1997 and has had an extremely successful run each subsequent year. It embraces both sides of the community and has helped both sides to gain a better understanding of the others culture. The Banks of the Foyle Halloween Carnival has had perhaps an even more successful run. It won the Northern Ireland Tourist Board’s â€Å"Event of the Year† Award in 2002. To tie in with the festivities are ghost tours around the city and story telling in the Tower Museum. 0950- The National Trust The National Trust was established in 1895 by Robert Hunter, Octavia Hill and Hardwicke Rawnsley to â€Å"guard† the threatened coastlines, countryside and historic buildings of the United Kingdom. They had been concerned with the unrestrained development and industrialisation of the Victorian Era. Since 1884 Hunter had been calling for the establishment of an organization to â€Å"administer its property with a view to the protection of the public interests in open spaces.† In over a hundred years it has become the largest independent conservation body in the world and now owns more than two hundred historic buildings , more than six hundred thousand acres of countryside and more than five hundred miles of coastline. Its main aim is, and always has been, to â€Å"maintain and care for the coast, countryside and historic buildings on behalf of the nation†. In Northern Ireland the Trust owns almost fifty different properties spread around the country .These include Mount Stewart in County Down which is one of the Trust’s more popular properties in Northern Ireland. The property not only includes some of the most magnificent gardens in Northern Ireland but also objects of historical significance. The dining room features the actual chairs that were used by the delegates in the Congress of Vienna in 1815. The house also contains priceless paintings which were collected by members of the family over several centuries. The Dining Room Mount Stewart Another popular property is Florencecourt in County Fermanagh. It was previously the home of the Enniskillen family and was given to the National Trust by the fifth Earl of Enniskillen in 1953. It is also of natural importance as on its grounds is the first Yew Tree was planted here in 1767. The land around the house is owned by the Forest Service which purchased the land from the sixth Earl of Enniskillen in 1975. Florence Court, County Fermanagh In County Antrim the Trust owns the Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge. It was primarily used as a way for fishermen to Carrick-a-Rede Island. Over one hundred thousand tourists visit the bridge every year. It is also an excellent place to view porpoises, dolphins and basking sharks. Carrick- a-Rede Rope Bridge The Giant’s Causeway is the most popular heritage attraction in Northern Ireland and is the only UNESCO World Heritage Site in Ireland. More than five hundred thousand tourists a year visit the area from around the world. Over sixty million years old it was formed by lava flowing into the sea and gradually cooling and hardening. In 2002 the Giant’s Causeway and Bushmills Railway opened more than fifty years after its predecessor the Giants Causeway, Portrush and Bush Valley Tramway closed. The line runs from the Giant’s Causeway to Bushmills. The Causeway is also an important area for wildlife including peregrine falcons and a rare species of bird known as chough. The Causeway is the last known area in Northern Ireland for these birds to inhabit. The Giant’s Causeway The Trust also owns and manages the Mourne Mountains specifically Slieve Donard and Slieve Commedagh. Slieve Donard is Northern Ireland’s highest mountain standing at a majestic 850 metres. The Trust has only owned these two mountains since 1991 and, since it is a charity, it had to use its own money to buy them. It managed to raise enough money through a fundraising campaign and bought over a thousand acres. The Mournes have an abundance of wildlife including ravens, hares and rare dragonflies. Slieve Donard and Slieve Commedagh The Trust also owns and cares for sites that belong to Northern Ireland’s industrial heritage such as Patterson’s Spade Mill in County Antrim. It operated from 1919 to 1990 and was purchased by the Trust in 1992. It is the last working water-powered spade mill in the British Isles. The spades are still available for purchase at around twenty pounds. 1010- The Environment and Heritage Service The Environment and Heritage Service is the largest department in the Department of the Environment with more than five hundred personnel. It advises and implements the Government’s policy on the environment in Northern Ireland. Their main aim is â€Å"to protect and conserve the natural and built environment and to promote it’s appreciation for the benefit of present and future generations.† One of the areas the EHS cares for includes Scrabo Tower and Country Park in County Down. It was built in 1857 in memory of the 3rd Marquis of Londonderry (who also owned Mount Stewart) and can be seen for miles around. There is also a disused mine where the famous Scrabo Rock was extracted and exported to other areas of the United Kingdom. The EHS also cares for Roe Valley Country Park in County Antrim. It is home to a wide variety of wildlife including foxes, badgers and otters. The park is also a popular place for recreation including salmon and trout fishing, canoeing rock climbing, orienteering and riverside and woodland walks. They also look after Dunluce Castle in County Antrim which was built in the late 16th century. The incident in 1639 in which the kitchen fell into the sea is what the Castle is most renowned for. Carrickfergus Castle, Bellaghy Bawn, Ballycopeland Windmill, Dundrum Castle, Inch abbey, Grey Abbey and Hillsborough Courthouse. Other country parks and countryside centres the EHS cares for include Portrush, Countryside Centre, Castle Archdale County Park, Ervey Wood and Ness Wood. Scrabo Tower and Country Park Dunluce Castle Greenpeace Greenpeace had it’s beginnings in 1971 when several people protested at the USA detonating underground nuclear bombs in a area used by rare otters near Alaska. It has grown in the last thirty years and has over 2.8 million supporters around the world. It operates in more than forty countries and has its headquarters in Amsterdam. Greenpeace’s latest triumph has been in putting pressure on the World Heritage Committee to add Lake Baikal (the largest fresh water lake in the world) and the Volcanoes of Kamchatka in Russia to the list of World Heritage sites. More than twelve million hectares will now be preserved. Greenpeace also successfully put pressure on the WHC to declare the Komi Virgin Forests in the Urals a World Heritage Site. 1100-The Wildlife Trust It is the United Kingdom’s largest conservation charity devoted to wildlife. No member of the trust is paid as all of its members volunteer to help the Trust. The Trust cares for more than two thousand nature reserves. There were four hundred thousand voluntary members of the Trust in 2002 and the member is still growing. Membership costs à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½24 a year for one person and à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½36 per annum for a family membership. They have 47 local trusts and a trust for children known as the Wildlife Watch who work together to protect wildlife in different areas from cities to the countryside especially in national and country parks. The local trust in Northern Ireland is the Ulster Wildlife Trust and was founded in 1978. In Northern Ireland there are more than 2000 members of the Trust. Their main aim is to â€Å"help people recognise that a healthy environment, rich in wildlife and managed on sustainable principles, is essential for continued human existence.† WWF The World Wide Fund for Nature’s main aims are to protect and conserve endangered species and to address global threats to wildlife. However it only works to protect animals in the wild and has â€Å"no experience or expertise to deal with issues relating to animals in captivity. Whereas the larger organisation works on international issues relating to animals the UK organisation work to look after the countries wild animals. It can be involved in many matters affecting wildlife such as challenging the government on the destruction of the countryside. It also puts forward the effects of tourism in wildlife. Unlike other heritage organisations it owns no property and therefore has more money to spend. How to cite Introduction to heritage tourism, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Defining Art Essay Example For Students

Defining Art Essay Can Art be defined? An artist can create anything and put their mark on it and deem it as art. I believe art to be a sculpture, painting, or any piece of creative work that brings enjoyment to the artist and an from the beholder. Art allows you to view the world through someone else’s eyes and obtain their perspective on the subject at hand. Art is everywhere around us. It is expressed in many forms and fashions. From railroad car graffiti, a formal piece in a museum, a one of a kind piece of jewelry or designer fashion clothing, it is all forms of art. Art can bring out an array of feelings in people. Some pieces of art depict happiness or focus on beauty, which would in turn bring out joyous feelings. Art can also display images or subject lines that are not as pleasant to entertain at times which can allow us to be compelled to a feeling of sadness. Art can be a therapeutic way to deal with emotions. Autistic children and people dealing with tragedies can often express themselves and deal with emotions through art. I really enjoy painting old furniture and giving it a new look, a new life. It tends to remind me that all things in life can be restored and made beautiful again with some work and determination. No matter what the circumstances or situation it can always be made into something beautiful. Art seems to always tell a story even though words are never spoken. My concept of art is paintings, sculptures, drawings, or anything that is created or transformed at the hands of the artist. I personally tend to enjoy paintings that are of landscapes and nature. I always seem to navigate to the paintings, especially oil, that remind me of times during my childhood. Paintings of a countryside with a barn and rolling hills or a grandfather fishing with a child on the banks of a pond, takes me back to a â€Å"happy place† in my life. I truly then feel like I am understanding what the artist is meaning to depict. Marsh Farm by Darko Topalski is a simple but impressive painting to me as it reminds me of a farmhouse that used to sit on a hill across the field from my childhood home. I find colors to be influential in bringing out emotions when observing a piece of art. I enjoy art that has warm, muted colors as a feel that give that feeling of serenity. I think paintings with warm or vibrant colors tend to depict a much happier and content scene. The content is much more important to me than the formal qualities. Once again, I like the feeling of being able to connect with the artist and feel like he actually painted the picture looking through my eyes. I think for some people the formal qualities would be more important. That’s the beauty of art, everyone has their own perception of the same piece. Art in my opinion is anything that we view and receive enjoyment. It also compels us to appreciate the talent of the artist. Art brings out emotions as we interpret the story and statement the artist is trying to convey.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Emotional intelligence attrition and cost factor Essay Example

Emotional intelligence attrition and cost factor Essay Employee abrasion is a high cost factor in most industries. Surveies show that most of import ground for abrasion is immediate directors behaviour and action which makes the employee stay or quit. Abrasion can be reduced by increasing the EI of the directors. EI consist of Personal and Social Competences. By EI preparation, organisations can make a great work environment to cut down abrasion. EI preparation is implemented by Analysis, Pattern Identification, Comparison, EI Study and Audit. This survey contributes to supplying an penetration to ways of cut downing cost of abrasion utilizing soft accomplishments with an accent on EI Cardinal words: Emotional Intelligence, Attrition, cost factor, EI preparation Introduction We will write a custom essay sample on Emotional intelligence attrition and cost factor specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Emotional intelligence attrition and cost factor specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Emotional intelligence attrition and cost factor specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Research workers of twenty-first century from the Fieldss of psychological science, instruction and concern are meeting on the construct of Emotional Intelligence, which is deemed as a certain tract for success in personal and organizational life. IQ gets you hired, but EQ gets you promoted was the motto mentioned in TIME magazine screen narrative on The EQ factor. ( TIME,1995 ) .Emotionally intelligent people can comprehend, understand and modulate the emotions of others, therefore doing Emotional intelligence a important factor in the success of inter personal interaction in work context. Increasingly we will see employers actively seeking people with high emotional intelligence Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence or EI is a signifier of societal intelligence that involves the ability to proctor 1s ain and others feelings and emotions, to know apart among them, and to utilize this information to steer one s thought and action. ( Salovey A ; Mayer, 1990 ) . Emotional Intelligence is non being soft- It means being intelligent about emotions. Daniel Golemen portions his penetration on the power of emotional intelligence in his article in HBR EI is twice every bit of import as proficient accomplishments an IQaˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦ . Developing A ; utilizing EI skills offers a set of nucleus abilities that impact many concern issues of import to single A ; organisational success In other words, how the immediate director treats the people describing to him/her, how the director takes the success and failures, how he motivates the squad, leads the squad, etc form portion of the Emotional Intelligence. A trough who has really high emotional intelligence will be able to comprehend himself good in the organisation and take his squad with a sense of intent and way. EI consist of two major competency countries Personal and Social Competences. The undermentioned grid will assist the understand the EI model better. EI Framework Personal Competence Social Competence SELF Awareness Emotional consciousness Accurate self-assessment Assurance SOCIAL AWARENESS Empathy Service orientation Developing others Leveraging diverseness Political consciousness SELF Regulation Self-denial Trustworthiness Conscientiousness Adaptability Innovativeness SOCIAL SKILLS Influence Communication Leadership Change accelerator Conflict direction Building bonds Collaboration and cooperation Team capablenesss SELF Motivation Achievement thrust Committedness Enterprise Optimism 1.2 Significance of Emotional intelligence at work topographic point Advanced emotional intelligence can be good in many countries of life. However, the application of its utility has been most often documented in the professional workplace. Cherniss ( 2000 ) outlines four chief grounds why the workplace would be a logical scene for measuring and bettering emotional intelligence competences: 1. Emotional intelligence competences are critical for success in most occupations. 2. Many grownups enter the work force without the competences necessary to win or stand out at their occupation. 3. Employers already have the established agencies and motive for supplying emotional intelligence preparation. 4. Most adults spend the bulk of their waking hours at work. The cost-effectiveness of emotional intelligence in the workplace has been an country of involvement. Several surveies have reported the economic value of engaging staff, based on emotional intelligence. Some of the research findings refering to this subject are discussed in this article Cherniss and Goleman ( 1998 ) estimated that by non following developing guidelines established to increase emotional intelligence in the workplace, industry in the United States is losing between $ 5.6 and $ 16.8 billion a twelvemonth. They found that the impact of developing employees in emotional and societal competences with plans which followed their guidelines was higher than for other plans, and by non implementing these plans companies were having less of an impact and accordingly losing money. The foremost subscriber to the country of emotional intelligence and leading is Daniel Goleman, who has written several books on implementing emotional intelligence in an organisation, including Working with Emotional Intelligence ( 1998 ) and The Emotionally Intelligence Workplace ( 2001 ) . Goleman posits that leaders high in emotional intelligence are cardinal to organisational success ; leaders must hold the capacity to feel employees feelings about their work environments, to step in when jobs arise, to pull off their ain emotions in order to derive the trust of the employees, and to understand the political and societal conventions within an organisation ( Goleman, 2001 ) . In add-on, a leader has the capacity to impact organisational public presentation by puting a peculiar work clime. Goleman outlines six distinguishable leading manners and how they affect the clime of the organisation Leadership Style and Impact on Organizational Climate ( Goleman, 2001 ) LEADERSHIP STYLE Coercive Authoritative Affiliative Democratic Pacesetting Coach When Appropriate In a crisis, to kick-start turnaround, or with job employees When alteration requires a new vision, when clear way needed To mend rifts in a squad or to actuate during nerve-racking times To construct consensus or to acquire valuable input from employees To acquire speedy consequences from a extremely motivated and competent squad To assist an employee better public presentation or develop long-run strengths Aim Immediate conformity Mobilize others to follow a vision Create harmoniousness Build committedness through engagement Perform undertakings to a high criterion Build strengths for the hereafter Impact on Climate Strongly negative Most strongly positive Highly positive Highly positive Highly negative Highly positive EI Competences Drive to accomplish ; inaugural ; emotional ego control Assurance ; empathy ; alteration accelerator Empathy ; constructing bonds ; struggle direction Collaboration ; team leading ; communicating Conscientious-ness ; thrust to accomplish ; initiative Developing others ; empathy ; emotional self-awareness Now, from this tabular array how the different constituents of EQ could be utilized for different managerial manner can be clearly seen. All the five leading manners mentioned here are suited for different administrations, depending on the direction doctrine and the organizational clime. So by placing the leading manner practiced in each house, along with heightening the EI competence matching to that will assist in a major manner to better leading accomplishment and at that place by improved keeping. 1.3 Teaching Emotional Intelligence: Training plans aimed at bettering emotional intelligence can happen in several different countries of preparation and development within an organisation, including direction preparation, communicating and empathy preparation, struggle declaration and stress direction preparation, every bit good as self-management preparation and preparation provided to unemployed workers ( Cherniss, 2000 ) . However, it is of import to recognize that traditional preparation course of study and bringing are non by and large successful in developing emotional intelligence competences. Traditional plans by and large adopt a one size fits all attack that ignores single complexnesss while concentrating on cognitive acquisition ( Dearborn, 2002 ) . Administrations can help employees in developing emotional competences by supplying appropriate preparation. The Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations, which consists of research workers and practicians from concern schools, the federal authorities, confer withing houses and corporations, has developed guidelines for best patterns in learning emotional intelligence competences. Administrations can decidedly use these services and better the emotional intelligence of employees and there by retain the endowments. Some of the comprehensive schemes for keeping include the followers: Hiring and testing employees based on EQ competences Build an emotionally skilled leading by preparation. Better the organizational clime by furthering healthy interpersonal relationship among employees Encourage people to construct a web of support. Motivate the employees to take up EQ preparation by demoing the wage off on the occupation Competency theoretical accounts and sequence program based on EQ competences Create preparedness for alteration. Envision desired results by bench taging Continuously promote EQ environment 3.The survey The basic survey involves facts drawn from secondary literature study. Even before research in the country of E.I. had begun, the Ohio State Leadership Studies reported that leaders who were able to set up common trust, regard, and certain heat and resonance with members of their group were more effectual ( Fleishman and Harris, 1962 ) Research work undertaken at national and international degree are quoted here.Research work published by Daniel J. Svyanket and M.Afzlur Rahim, University of Akron in The international Journal of organizational analysis ( 2002, Vol -10 No 4 Pg 299-301, shows a clear indicant of positive relationship between EQ and employees behaviour in the administration. It was found that squad public presentation, coherence, empathy etc are positively correlated to EQ degree of employees. An article was presented by Ioannis Tsaousis, University of Aegena, Greece and Ioannis Nikolaou, Athens university of Economics and concern, Greece in International Journal of organizational Analysis, ,2002, Vol.10, No 4, Pg 327-342, titled, Emotional intelligence at work topographic point ; Researching its consequence on occupational emphasis and organizational committedness , talks about the research conducted by them by administrating EQ questionnaire and an organizational emphasis testing tool. The consequences showed a positive relation between EQ and organizational committedness Surveies conducted by Jigisha.B. Dholakia A ; Geethika Kaushal, TAA Communication Area, IIM, Ahmedbad ( working paperno. 2001-05-01, Pg 2-15 ) , titled Emotional Intelligence at work topographic point. A priliminary survey of male executives in private and public sector administration reveals a relationship between EQ and work topographic point state of affairss. During the recent surveies conducted at LOreal, it was found that when the gross revenues people were selected on the footing of emotional competency, the bend over was reduced by a drastic 63 % ! ! Likewise, when Metlife selected gross revenues people on the footing of optimism, which is one of the emotional intelligence competences, they out sold other Metlife people by 37 % and showed reduced abrasion. The nexus between EQ and leading was clear from the survey at PepsiCo. In a pilot undertaking, executives selected for EQ competences outperformed their co-workers, presenting 10 % addition in productivity,87 % lessening in executive bend over ( ! ) and over $ 3.75m added economic value. At one of the Motorola s fabrication installation used HeartMath s emphasis and EQ plan and realized that 93 % of employees showed addition in productiveness. It is really interesting to observe that unlike IQ, which is about decided at birth, EQ can be improved by preparation and nurturing. A survey conducted at Case Western University, a competence constructing plan increased the Emotional Intelligence accomplishments by 40 % to 75 % among the respondents, and that consequence lasted at least through the 5- 7 old ages of the survey. The US Air Force spends 1000000s on enlisting every twelvemonth, but their professional recruiters were merely picking up an norm of one recruit per month. A $ 10,000 investing in EQ proving helped them to profile top performing artists and in one twelvemonth, they saved $ 2.7 million. Following this success, The General Accounting Office requested that the Secretary of Defense order all subdivisions of armed force to follow this process in enlisting and choice. Gallup s land grade research of over two million working Americans on employee Battle ( a sense of emotional connexion to the administration ) it was identified that squads with higher battle showed 50 % less bend over and 38 % above mean productiveness. A recent meta analysis of 69 independent surveies explored the prognostic cogency of emotional intelligence with diverse occupation public presentation results ( Van Rooy A ; Viswesvaran, 2004 ) . Results suggested diverse steps of EI correlated.23 with occupation public presentation ( k=19, N=4158 ) and.22 with general mental ability. These correlativities suggest that EI can be considered a moderate forecaster of occupation public presentation and success which has a direct impact on keeping. A recent survey by Career Systems International in 2005. They surveyed over 7,500 employees in diverse industries about keeping factors-things available in organisations that engendered committedness and a willingness to stay.The top five keeping factors included: 1 ) Exciting Work/Challenge ( 48.4 % ) ; 2 ) Career growth/learning ( 42.6 % ) ; 3 ) Relationships/working with great people ( 41.8 % ) ; 4 ) Fair wage ( 31.8 % ) ; and 5 ) Supportive management/great foreman ( 25.1 % ) . Another research conducted by John Humphreys, Bill Brunsen and Dale Davis, College of Business, Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, New Mexico, doing usage of Pearson merchandise minute correlativity, shows important correlativity between EQ and organizational committedness ( 0.303 ) A survey of the relationship between emotional intelligence and public presentation in UK call Centres by Malcolm Higgs published in the Journal of Managerial Psychology June 2004 Volume: 19 Issue: 4 Page: 442 454 shows a strong correlativity between Emotional intelligence and Individual public presentation, which corresponds to cut down abrasion 4.Results These findings appear to add support to the turning organic structure of literature bespeaking the concepts of EI and organizational committedness holding a great significance. What is highlighted above appears to be an accurate description of what is go oning in general in most of the administrations across the universe. One of the most of import and important findings from this survey is the positive correlativity between Organization committedness and higher emotional intelligence. 5.Conclusion From the research surveies discussed supra, we can get at the decision that we can decidedly cut down the cost of abrasion by bettering the emotional intelligence of employees. The primary grounds for an employee to go forth the occupation are relationship based. So one of the cardinal keeping factor is the quality of relationship between employee and his supervisor. As leading guru Richard Leider says Peoples do non Leave companies- They leave Leaderships! ! ! . When analytical glare is coupled with emotional intelligence, breakthrough accomplishments can be gained. When many research surveies converge to similar decision, we do nt necessitate a Mc Kinsey to state us that, we need to hold Emotionally Intelligent employees to hold a stable administration! !

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How Homeschooled Students Should Prep for the SAT

How Homeschooled Students Should Prep for the SAT SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips According to a recent report by the U.S. Department of Education, about 1.7 million students are homeschooled. If you're part of this 3.4% of the population and are planning to apply to a 4-year college, then you'll probably be taking the SAT (or ACT). This guide will go over the best preparation strategies for succeeding on the SAT, while keeping in mind theunique strengths you bring to the tableas a homeschooled student. Before delving intospecifics of the SAT, let's consider the advantages that your homeschooled education has afforded you. Reflect On Your Strengths Homeschooled students don't always take as many timedor standardized tests as those in traditional schools. If you're concerned that homeschooling puts you at a disadvantage for doing well on the SAT, pause and reflect on some of homeschooling'spositive aspects. You likely have a more individualized curriculum and have been encouraged to pursue your individual interests. Perhaps you've had the freedom to reallyreflect on your strengths and weaknesses, where you excel and where you need to grow as a learner. This kind of self-awareness is hugely helpful for homeschool SAT prep, as you can target your weak areas, customize your study plan, and focus your energies where you can make the most progress. If you feel you've had less practice with standardized tests like the SAT, consider the kind of learning you have had and how it caninform your approach to test prep. Self-Awareness and SAT Prep Having a sense of your strengths and weaknesses can be a huge aidfor designing your SAT study plan. Do you speed through geometry problems, but get tripped up by probability? Do you absorb vocabulary like a sponge, but feel like it's impossible to write a whole 5-paragraph essay in only 25 minutes? Try to get a realistic sense of where you have cultivated skills and developed strong content knowledge. Rather than delving into everything at once, you can set small, manageable goals for yourself and make progress towards them with steadiness and purpose. To address the above examples, you could gather official SAT sample questions about probability and thoroughly studythe problems and answer explanations. You could read strategies about how to time your essay writing and come into the SAT prepared with versatile examples that work for many different essay questions. The best way to achieve your target scores on the SAT is to identify the areas that most need improvement and focus your test prep there. How (and where) do you learn best? Customization and Self-Teaching Does your homeschooled education allow you to be relatively self-directed in your learning? If your educators agree with Lee Binz,founderof The HomeScholar, then their "long-term plan is to make learners who can absorb material by themselves." If you have received this kind of "self-teaching curriculum," then you've had the opportunity to develop your independence, perhaps more so than have students in traditional school settings. Students who are most successful on the SAT don't study every concept all at once or mimic someone else's study and test-taking schedule. Instead, they customize their test prep for their own unique learning styles and needs. They take control of their test prep by setting aside time each week to focus on the material and benefit from being a self-directed learner on their homeschool SAT scores. Besides having the independence to shape your study plan and follow through with it, you may also have some input into shaping your curriculum and homework assignments and projects. If this is the case, it would be helpful to ask if you can integrate SAT prep into your classes and therebyconnectyour math, reading, and writing to SAT practice questions. Tilt YourCurriculum If you're encouraged to explore and articulate your interests and goals, as Binz described above, then your educators may be open to your suggestions. Gaining admission to a 4-year college is a notable goal, and gaining strong SAT scores are an important part ofachieving this goal. If this is your motivation, find out if you can integrate SAT prep into your curriculum. Perhaps you could add SAT math questions to your math studies, or practice writing timed persuasive essays. In addition to whatever other books you're reading, perhaps you can incorporate Critical Reading passages and questions. Practice answering objective multiple choice questions, which may or may not be a skill you're accustomed to in English class. Review SAT grammar rules and edit writing samples to practice for "improving sentence," "improving paragraph," and "identifying sentence error" SAT Writing questions. If you can integrate homeschool SAT prep into your studies, then you can link your classroom learning with the test and apply your understanding of math, reading, and writing to each section of the SAT. In order to do this successfully, you must have a thorough understanding of the content and skills that are tested on the SAT. Throwsome SAT prep in the mix. Understand the Content of the SAT Do you know how many questions are in each section of the SAT, and how much time you have to answer them? In order to effectively incorporate test prep into your curriculum or out-of-school studying, you should gain a deep understanding of what exactly is tested on the Math, Critical Reading, and Writing sections of the SAT. The following is a quick overview of the content in each section. Math tests number and operations, probability/statistics, algebra, and geometry. Most of the questions are multiple choice, but there are 10 grid-in questions that you will answer directly on the bubble sheet. Critical Reading asks you to read long, short, and paired passages and answer multiple choice comprehension questions. These often ask about the general purpose of the passage, along with tools of literary analysis like tone, style, inference, and interpretation of various details. These questions also often ask you about vocabulary in context, while the current SAT has stand-alone vocabulary fill-in questions as well. The new SAT in 2016 will continue to ask about vocabulary, but is eliminating these stand-alone questions in favor of providing more context. Writing starts out the SAT with the 25-minute essay, in which you are asked to provide your opinion and support it with examples from reading, observation, current events, or any other area. Additionally, you will answer multiple choice questions and use your understanding of grammar rules to identify sentence errors and improve sentences and paragraphs. Even if you are unused to timed standardized tests, all of these skills are basic math, reading, and writing skills that you practice inyour general education. Again, if you have some input into shaping your curriculum and homework assignments, then you can try to incorporate SAT practice and essay questions and reinforce your learning on the context of the SAT's tricky questions and strict timing. Outside of your classroom learning, you will need to make time devoted specifically to prepping for the SAT. Make Time for Test Prep Before you take your test, I would recommend spending at least ten hours really getting to know the content, format, and instructions of the test so you know exactly what to expect on test day. A study plan involving about 40 hoursmight get you ready to take the test for the first time, but a regimen of around100 hours of targeted practice would be more effective for improving your scores. While the amount of time you need to put in to boost your scores varies for each students, these are rough estimates of how many hours you should prep to raise your overall scores. SAT Composite Point Improvement 0-50 points - 10 hours 50-100points- 20 hours 100-200 points - 40 hours 200-300 points - 80 hours 300-500 points - 150 hours+ If you start early and spread your study plan out over months or even a year or more, then you can gradually improve and these hours won't seem like such a daunting task. You could spend about 2 to 3 hours a week starting 6 months before your test, and then increase your study time as the test date approaches. Of course you also don't want to put in more time than you need to, when you could be focusing on other areas of school, life, and preparing for college. So how can you maximize the effectiveness of your study time? One important part of test prep is simulating testing conditions to train your time management. Time flies when you're taking the SAT. Practice Timing Yourself The SAT is a strictly timed test, and once you've finished a section you can't revisit it or revise any answers. I would say these strict time limits are perhaps the biggest source of stress for students, especially those who like to process information at a more relaxed pace. Luckily, you can use strategies to improve your efficiency, as well as time yourself while you study and take practice tests to get better and better at working fast and well. I would recommend starting with a diagnostic practice test and simulating testing conditions. Sit in a quiet room with fewdistractions and time each section. Yourinitial score will just be a baseline. After studying and targeting your weaknesses, take another timed practice test and note your progress. Even if finishing in time is something you struggle with, practicing this skill at home will help you pace yourself on the SAT and manage your time effectively. You should also learn about and experiment with different strategies, like speed reading and using process of elimination to answer multiple choice questions. Get Strategic On Each Section While an understanding of certain math concepts and skills in reading and writing are important for doing well on the SAT, so is simply learning the tricks of the test and developing your ability to work quickly. For example, you don't have time to leisurely read the Critical Reading passages and take notes on what you find interesting. Instead, you should practice habits of skimming for important introductory points, transitions, and details related to the corresponding questions. While the essay might seem like a hard part of the SAT, you can basically use a tried-and-true 5 paragraph formula and show up prepared with dynamic examples that will work for most questions. Strategies for how to tackle each section, answer questions, and even fill in the bubble sheet (answering in chunks in your booklet and then transfering all at once can help save time) arehugely helpful in combination with your content knowledge for conquering the SAT. By trying out strategies, reviewing concepts and vocabulary, and sticking to your study schedule, you will see improvements in your SAT scores. Besides the strengths many homeschooled students bring as self-directed, independent learners, do they have any extra responsibilities when it comes to taking the SAT? Homeschooled Students and the SAT As a homeschooled student, you might not have as large a community of college-bound peersand guidance counselors as those in traditional school settings. Depending on your situation, you may have to shoulder more responsibility for designing and sticking to your homeschool SATprep schedule, keeping track of your academic progress and application materials, and meeting your college deadlines. If this sounds like, what can you do to stay on top of things? Be Proactive About Your Schedule This is easier said than done for a lot of students, but try to make the most of your time and establish routines for yourself, just as you would when learning how to playguitaror practicing soccer. Use a planner with hourly (or half-hourly) time increments or an online tool like Google Calendar. Set aside time to work towards your goals, like achieving your target SAT scores, and fulfill your college aspirations. If you're someone who's motivated by an approaching deadline or test date, then design your schedule to reflect that (while still leaving enough time to learn). If you prefer to spread out studying or practice and reap the benefits slowly over time, then honor that approach. These skills of actively taking control of your time will help you stay organized and achieve your goals in high school, college, and beyond. Do Your Research Part of your SAT prep plan is knowing what your target scores are, and part of determining that (apart from your own personal goals) are knowing your colleges' expectations. What are the average SAT scores for last year's accepted students? How much are SAT scores emphasized in the admission process? Does the school have a test flexible policy? When are your deadlines? Planning for college starts early. Check out websites, visit campuses, speak to admissions officers, and gain a clear sense of your colleges' expectations and requirements. Then figure out how to tell your story and stand out from the competition. Since you probably don't have a guidance counselor keeping you up to date on the SAT and prep courses, you need to seek out helpful homeschool SAT test prep resources. PrepScholar's online test program is one way to prepare, along with official practice tests, books, and SAT Question of the Day. Khan Academy is another good online resource, especially because it has recently offered sample questions for the upcoming redesigned SAT. Besides online and book resources, you can also make an appointment with a counselor at your local high school and seek his/her advice on SAT prep and college planning. Through it all, work onstaying organized to keep track of requirements, deadlines, and all the online passwords you're sure to collect. Stay Organized The best way to plan your schedule and keep track of your college planning is to create a system of organization that works for you. Write everything down, whether on paper or virtually, and stay on top of deadlines and test dates. If you start early with SAT prep, you can take the test several times and prep between each real test to improve your scores. If your homeschooled education helped you develop independence in your organization, learning, and time management, then use these skills to your advantage in the SAT and college planning process. Start early, study the test, and put in the time and effort to achieve your target SAT scores and gain admission into your college of choice. What's Next? Using official practice questions from the testmakers and taking timed practice tests are an essential part of your study regimen. Download official SAT practice tests and score them to diagnose your level and gauge your progress toward hitting your target scores. When exactly should you register to take the SAT? Are some test dates preferable to others? How many times should you take it, anyway? Learn how to choose your test dates and shape your study plan accordingly. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes your prep program to your strengths and weaknesses. We also feature thousands of practice questions, 10 official SAT practice tests, and personal feedback on your essays from an expert instructor. We work with a lot of homeschooled students who like the self-paced, self-guided nature of our online prep program. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Workers in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Workers in America - Essay Example It is noteworthy that this was the first national industrial labor movement in the United States. Originally, the movement was Noble and Holy Order of the Knights of Labor, which replaced the failed Garment Cutters Association of Philadelphia (Weir 20). Knights of Labor maintained a highest level of secrecy, as well as, fraternalism, and it was not until 1879 when the movement utilized symbols to call for meetings. Initially, the movement excluded bankers, lawyers, liquor dealers, and professional gamblers. In addition, women did not join the movement until 1882 when the membership had grown hugely. However, the movement declined in 1886 due to competition from other unions and internal disagreements. The Knights of Labor advocated political reforms. Notably, the movement championed for the levying of the graduated income tax. On top of this, the movement demanded the establishment of the national monetary system that did not have the banks as intermediaries. Similarly, the movement agitated the government to maintain the ownership of the telegraph lines and the railroads. Moreover, Knights of Labor wanted a new land policy that sought to benefit the settlers as opposed to the speculators (Brexel 22). In addition to the political matters, the movement raised grievances on the social issues. Knights of Labor advocated the abolition of the child labor and the contract systems on municipal, state, and national works. In addition, the national union championed for pay equality for equal work, and the establishment of the cooperatives in order to replace the repressive and archaic wage system that promotes oppression of the workers by the capitalist employers (Weir 21). Moreover, Knights of Labor agitated for health and safety of the workers in the building, manufacturing, and mining industries. The Wabash Railway strike was a significant strike,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Similarities and differences between the USA and Saudi Arabia in Essay

Similarities and differences between the USA and Saudi Arabia in relation to their religion, politics, economic development, and social behaviors - Essay Example The paper tells that in Saudi Arabia, people’s way of life, the economy and politics are guided by the Islamic religion and their old customs. In contrast, the American society is guided by freedom and economic development. United States methods, therefore, differ from the Saudi people’s method. United States is the most religious developed country across the world. It is revealed that religion plays a great role in the life of American people. The history of United States is patent by freedom of religion. Constitution of this country is designed to ensure citizens have the power to establish religious practices. This, therefore, makes United States one of the countries with diverse religion. This is because it is estimated that there are over 100 different religious sects in the America. About 80 percent of them are Christians, while Jews and Muslims hold about 2 percent each. Majority of Americans are, therefore, followers of Christ. On the contrary, Saudi Arabia has Islamic as its official religion. As Muslims, Saudi Arabian people believe in God and prophets. However, they do not believe Jesus Christ was a son of God but rather a messenger. In addition, they believe Muhammad was also a messenger of God. The kingdom of Saudi Arabia is, therefore, referred as an Islamic theocratic dominion. The law in this country only allows Muslims to be the real citizens of this kingdom. However, non-Muslims are only allowed to visit and work in the kingdom but cannot acquire citizenship. Moreover, Muslims are the only ones permitted to visit holiest cities in the country. One of the holiest cities is Mecca, which houses Ka ‘aba, a pilgrim shrine that was built by Moses following an order from God. United States government and politics is a clear example of democracy. This is because they are allowed to choose their representatives in their relevant States during elections. States representatives then select the best candidate to contend for the preside ncy. United States’ citizen vote for their president through the electoral process called Electoral College system. In this case, every State has electors equal to the number of members in the House of Representatives. Additionally, two senators representing each State are also included in the Electoral College system. During the elections, United States’ citizens cast votes to electors who obligate to offer support presidential candidate desired by members of their State. Whenever a president is elected, he or she is supposed to run the office for a period less than two terms comprising four years each. President in United States is the head of government and State. In addition, he is the commander in chief of all the armed forces. The structure of government in United States is categorized in three levels, which include Local, State, and Federal governments. Federal government in United States is in charge of the entire nation and has three branches, which include th e legislative, executive and legislature. In addition, the government of United States conducts its affairs in accordance to the constitution of the country. This constitution outlines freedom of citizens, function of the three arms of government and democratic rule. On the contrary, Saudi Arabian government is monarch in nature with the head of state being referred as the king. Whenever the king demises, he is succeeded by his eldest son in the event. However, the king can also choose a heir to succeed him or her in the leadership of the country.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Management project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Management project - Research Paper Example This however, never changed how other charity organizations viewed the group even though exotic dance is a legal profession (Edbermac, 2007). The exotic dancers hold an annual event to raise funds to donate to the charity societies. The groups hold the event in remembrance of their former dancer who died due to breast cancer (Edbermac, 2007). Trina Rickettes, the former dancer had said a mail sent notified her that the society declined to collect that years’ donation (Edbermac, 2007). The society pointed out that its major donors never approved the connection to the exotic dancers. The group fells discriminated due to rejection of donations done to help the cancer-affected patients in the society. Many organizations view the dancers as strippers hence prostitutes and they term their earning as dirty money (Edbermac, 2007). Charity organizations fear to associate with the exotic dancers unless the group agreed to be anonymous. The raised money end up in less discriminating charity organizations and the organizations benefits from the thousands of dollars from the exotic dancers (Edbermac, 2007). Edbermac. (2007, February 07). Breast Cancer Society rejects donation from exotic dancers. Retrieved may sunday, 2014, from democratic underground:

Friday, November 15, 2019

Liberal And Illiberal Democracies In The 20th Century Politics Essay

Liberal And Illiberal Democracies In The 20th Century Politics Essay The turning point in the 20th century was declaring the victory of liberal democracy on world level, this is what Fukuyama said in his famous book the end of the history which at the same time overlook the crimes of liberal democracy against the non-European people.That is, the end point of mankinds ideological evolution and the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government.(Fukuyama,1992). It is easy to establish this hypothesis on some historical evidences. So after the fall of Fascism in 1945, soviet communism was the main alternative to the western liberalism, but even this collapsed by the outbreak of the revolutions in the Eastern Europe countries between 1989 and 1991, rejecting government principles of planning and interventions. As in Africa, Asia and Latin America the democratizing of the political system is done by the proliferation of different parties and the growing tendency towards economic reform which is based on the market. Thos e continuing operations reflect the obvious superiority of the liberal ideology over other competitive ideologies. The future seems to be apparent by the shrinking of the economic and political difference at different rates to meet all on the liberal democratic model. According to Fukuyamas argument, the victory of liberal democracy is the only solution that is capable to live and continue. Fukuyamas concept consists of two parts that are associated with each other. First is liberality: the existence of a limited author of the state that allows individuals and citizens to exercise a great deal of personal freedom and their capability to participate in political life by giving them the freedom of expression and other different things. The second part is democracy: which means, in Fukuyamas perspective, the real capacity of people to choose the governments they want. Fukuyama tries to emphasize that the U.S. is not the ideal model for his idea of liberal democracy. But at the same time he refuses any other model along these lines, so when the Chinas communism model was introduced, Fukuyama responded quickly by saying that Chinas economic success was due to their capability to get rid of the socialist system and introduce their economic freedom as a substitute: Japan may offer an alternative to Americas liberal democracy and combine a successful economy with social bonds. (Fukuyama, 2009, 85).In fact that is true but what China needs to be a liberal democratic country is to get rid of the single party system and support the multi-party democracy. Fukuyama believed that liberal democracy and the market-oriented economic system are the only two alternatives that are able for application in the modern societies. Now the World has seen the progress of the West over the rest of other societies, this is due to their belief that progress at both the scientific and theoretical sides goes back to their faith in liberal political thought. The democratic experiment in the West took root through the law of the market and the transfer of power to the socialist parties in more than one European country; all this confirms the credibility of the liberal democratic model in the world. To understand the differences between liberal and non-liberal democracy: Liberal democracy does not just include elections and establishing some official democratic foundations like parliament and courts, it also includes the creation of free press; the rule of law; an independent judicial system; the rights of minorities, the freedom of speech; the ability of parties and individuals to seek to divert official positions peacefully through competitive elections as well as the establishment of independent civil foundations that are in charge of solving civilians problems apart from any governmental control. Non-liberal (illiberal) democracy, which was established by the journalist and the editor Fared Zakaria, means a system in which elections are made where civil liberties and civil rights as well as the multiple dimensions of a real democratic society are severely limited or non-existent. Societies that were under the effect of totalitarian governments and were affected by ethnic and sectarian divisions were the most affected ones by such internal conflicts. So Zakaria was trying to illustrate that liberty and democracy can only be connected in the western societies and not for the third world societies, that is because the liberal democracy system is not just about free elections, it exceeds that to include the rule of law, the separation of powers as well as the protection of fundamental freedoms to citizens such as the freedom of speech, of movement, of listening, of ownership and the freedom of religions. Zakaria believed deeply in democracy and mentioned that democracy has moved from being a form of government to a way of living (the future of freedom,2003), but this didnt prevent him from criticizing this phenomenon, especially when it separated from liberalism its mixed partner in the West to an extent that may cause an imbalance in governments power which could impede its performance or affect it negatively. To criticize illiberal democracy Zakaria set Hitler as an example who get to power through democratic elections, the point is that many dictatorship governance system around the world use the election system à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Which at the same time ignoring the constitutional limitations on its authority andà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.its citizens from their fundamental rights . Within this competition, still the differences in opinions between democracies a continuing problem, often these democracies differs among themselves about important political options such as the promotion of democracy, international economic policy and how best to respond to threats of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, failed stats, ethnic conflict, violations of human rights. Despite the calls for formation of Commonwealth of Democracies to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦for the weaknesses of the United Nations, the European Union and other international institutions to face the worlds problems, still the common standers remain over where should draw the line between liberal democracy and illiberal democracy a big problem. We cannot find lots of countries that wish to give priority to such a gathering upon their provided obligations to its regional bodies and other institutionsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ To sum it up, the fall of the Berlin Wall two decades ago, the collapse of communism, the end of the Cold War, as well as the success of rebels in Ukraine and Georgia are all signs of real progress for democracy. Thus the future victory has to be for the liberal democracy system according to Fukuyama and Zakaria. The way of living today is a democratic way in spite of all the conflicts; the information revolution; the tendency to an open environment towards liberalization and the critical demonstrations demanding freedom like the way now in Iran. The other side of democracy or the negative side is that it can be used for violence, violence is becoming democratic in the way that any group of people are able to exercise violence and bombing without resorting to the state apparatus. Accordingly, terrorism is spreading under the name of democracy. Accordingly, the success of democracy is not inevitable. And as many American leaders starting from Roosevelt, Truman ending with Obama by say ing that the aspiration for freedom of democracy is fundamentally a human yearning. In the 1990s Francis Fukuyama claimed that liberal democracy had won the twentieth centurys ideological battle. In contrast, Fareed Zakaria argued that the emergence of illiberal democracies threatens to discredit liberal democracy itself, casting a shadow on democratic governance. Systematically discuss and analyse the foundations of Fukuyamas argument and how it has been countered by other liberal thinkers like Zakaria. Do international relations in the 21st century support or undermine the idea of Liberalisms victory?

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Effective Use of Revision in Strange Meeting Essay -- Owen Strange Mee

Effective Use of Revision in Strange Meeting  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      In writing his poem Strange Meeting, Wilfred Owen uses revision as a tool to both clarify his ideas and re-evaluate one of the central figures in the poem. By examining a reproduction of Owen’s original text and comparing it to the final, published copy, we are able to retrace his steps and, hopefully, gain a further understanding of his thought process and motivations concerning this particular poem. From these examinations, it is evident that Owen spent a large portion of the revision process attempting to alter the character of the â€Å"encumbered sleeper†, whom the narrator encounters in hell. These alterations could be viewed as an attempt by Owen to make this â€Å"vision† more ambiguous, vague, and otherworldly, and therefore to alter his readers’ perception of this character, the narrator, and the poem itself.      Ã‚  Ã‚   The sheer frequency of revisions concerning the appearance and characteristics of the ghostly figure are staggering when compared to number of revisions made elsewhere in the poem. Perhaps the first thing one notices while examining Owen’s revisions is the long stretch during the figure’s speech in which there are very few marks of revision by the author. In contrast, the sections in which the figure is described, or in which he describes himself, are heavily revised. It appears, then, Owen’s primary difficulty with the first draft of his poem was not with the content of what the ghostly speaker said, but with how the character was portrayed.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Owen pays strict attention during revision to every mention of this ghostly figure. There are at least six changes made to the text concerning the figure’s description, including two changes dedicated sol... ...hat absurd; how can enemies be friends, and why should they fight and kill one another?      Ã‚  Ã‚   In order to bring about these changes in perception, Wilfred Owen focused the majority of his revisions on the character of the ghostly figure found in hell. By making this figure seem more abstract, vague, and otherworldly, Owen alters the significance of his poem and its statements and assumptions about war and battle from draft to draft. By making use of a few seemingly inconsequential revisions, he is able to use the re-evaluation of one character to affect the readers’ perceptions of both the other main character in the poem, and the poem as a whole. Works Cited: Owen, Wilfred. â€Å"Strange Meeting.† The Norton Anthology of English Literature The Twentieth Century Volume 2C Seventh Edition. Ed. M.H. Abrahms. New York, N.Y. W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2000.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Strategy is Born Essay

The events that were described in this case study sounds to me as if they started off with the planning model of Rational Planning. I say this due to the fact that all the right parties were alerted to what needed to be done with goals being said and set to be put into place for starters. This did help with the main concerns being priorities and kept to along with formations being followed with effective organized tactics. They were put into place after the goals were set and made. As I read this case study and from my understandings this war was being analyzed and evaluated by senior officers in Washington who all had different ways and structures they thought would work best for meeting the goals that had been set into place. This was one of the Rational models of continuing opinions with the planning process in order to see what all has currently worked with what was set to be done and what was not working and needed to be taken out and improved. But with that being said this is where I could see were the Rational Planning model some what worked and where the weakness of the plan begin to splay its role. The thorough communications about the goals that worked and were not working were not being met let alone everyone was on different pages with alternative actions that needed to be done. There were no set connections information being made of all the shared resources at all. First Heading The heading above would be used if you want to have your paper divided into sections based on content. This is the first level of heading, and it is centered and bolded with each word of four letters or more capitalized. The heading should be a short descriptor of the section. Note that not all papers will have headings or subheadings in them. First Subheading The subheading above would be used if there are several sections within the topic labeled in a heading. The subheading is flush left and bolded, with each word of four letters or more capitalized. Second Subheading APA dictates that you should avoid having only one subsection heading and subsection within a section. In other words, use at least two subheadings under a main heading, or do not use any at all. When you are ready to write, and after having read these instructions completely, you can delete these directions and start typing. The formatting should stay the same. However, one item that you will have to change is the page header, which is placed at the top of each page along with the page number. The words included in the page header should be reflective of the title of your paper, so that if the pages are intermixed with other papers they will be identifiable. When using Word 2003, double click on the words in the page header. This should enable you to edit the words. You should not have to edit the page numbers. In addition to spacing, APA style includes a special way of citing resource articles. See the APA manual for specifics regarding in-text citations. The APA manual also discusses the desired tone of writing, grammar, punctuation, formatting for numbers, and a variety of other important topics. Although the APA style rules are used in this template, the purpose of the template is only to demonstrate spacing and the general parts of the paper. The student will need to refer to the APA manual for other format directions. GCU has prepared an APA Style Guide available in the Student Writing Center for additional help in correctly formatting according to APA style. The reference list should appear at the end of a paper (see the next page). It provides the information necessary for a reader to locate and retrieve any source you cite in the body of the paper. Each source you cite in the paper must appear in your reference list; likewise, each entry in the reference list must be cited in your text. A sample reference page is included below; this page includes examples of how to format different reference types (e. g. , books, journal articles, information from a website). The examples on the following page include examples taken directly from the APA manual.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Glow in the Dark Crystal Geode

Glow in the Dark Crystal Geode Its very easy to make a glow in the dark crystal geode. The rock is a natural mineral (eggshell). You can use one of several common household chemicals to grow the crystals. The glow comes from paint, which you can get from a craft store. Glow in the Dark Geode Materials eggsglow in the dark paint (I used GlowAwayâ„ ¢ washable glowing paint)very hot water (I used my coffee maker) borax, alum, Epsom salts, sugar, salt, or use another crystal recipe food coloring (optional I used neon green coloring) Prepare the Glowing Geode There are two ways to crack your eggs. You can carefully crack the top of the egg by tapping it on a counter top. This will give you a deep geode with a smaller opening. Alternatively, you can crack the equator of the egg or carefully cut it with a knife. This will give you a geode you can open and put back together.Dump the egg or make scrambled eggs or whatever.Rinse out the inside of the eggshell with water. Peel away the interior membrane so you are left with only the shell.Allow the egg to air dry or carefully blot it dry with a paper towel or napkin.Use a paintbrush, swab, or your fingers to coat the inside of the eggshell with glowing paint.Set the painted egg aside while you mix the crystal-growing solution. Make the Crystal Solution Pour hot water into a cup.Stir borax or other crystal salt into the water until it stops dissolving and you see some solid at the bottom of the cup.Add food coloring, if desired. Food coloring does not get incorporated into all crystals (e.g., borax crystals will be clear), but it will stain the egg shell behind the crystals, giving the geode some color. Grow the Glowing Crystals Support the shell so that it wont tip over. I made a little nest for mine in a crumpled napkin that I set inside a cereal bowl.Pour the crystal solution into the shell so that it is as full as possible. Dont pour the undissolved solid into the eggshell, just the saturated liquid.Set the shell somewhere where it wont get knocked over. Allow crystals to grow for several hours (overnight is shown) or as long as you like.When you are satisfied with the crystal growth, pour out the solution and allow the geode to dry.Phosphorescent paint is activated by exposing it to bright light. Black light (ultraviolet) produces a very bright glow, also. The duration of the glow depends on the paint you use. My geode glows for about a minute before it needs to be recharged. Some paints will produce geodes that glow for a few seconds. Other paints may glow for many minutes.Store your geode in a dry location, protected from dust.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Music Education

â€Å"Why I chose to enter the Music Education profession and why music is important in school.† Throughout the years, I have accrued several valid points in why I have chosen to become a Music Educator. Whether it was a wonderful experience, my own personal love for music, aesthetic purposes, or the psychological aspects of music, they are all valid. The reasons that music is important are similar to those of my reasons for my interest in music. I have had wonderful experiences with music in the school systems, but I have also had very bad experiences as well. Robert Bruce, my first true band director, had a deep impact on my practice habits. He was a very hard man to please, but he set reasonable goals. He had a special connection with the students and they respected him enough by behaving while in class or on trips. John Mancinelli was my biggest inspiration to becoming a Band Director. He had a love for music and he showed it in his examples, playing, and teaching. He too had a special connection with each and every student. This will be elaborated later. With all the good apples in my basket of friends comes a bad apple. Mr. Vroble, notice I cannot remember his first name, was the worst band director I have seen. He cared for himself and no one else. His love for music had to have died decades ago. He did not help a single student. The marching band even consisted of primarily fifth graders. All three of these band directors are inspirations to me. Robert and John have shown me how I want to act with the students. Caring and sharing everyday. While Mr. Vroble has shown me that there are band programs that exist that continually break down the joy and importance of music. My love of music was not as strong as it is now. Sure, in the beginning, I liked music, but I wanted to go into the field of Marine Biology. Then I taught my first saxophone lesson and I was hooked. I started to wonder, â€Å"Okay, what ... Free Essays on Music Education Free Essays on Music Education â€Å"Why I chose to enter the Music Education profession and why music is important in school.† Throughout the years, I have accrued several valid points in why I have chosen to become a Music Educator. Whether it was a wonderful experience, my own personal love for music, aesthetic purposes, or the psychological aspects of music, they are all valid. The reasons that music is important are similar to those of my reasons for my interest in music. I have had wonderful experiences with music in the school systems, but I have also had very bad experiences as well. Robert Bruce, my first true band director, had a deep impact on my practice habits. He was a very hard man to please, but he set reasonable goals. He had a special connection with the students and they respected him enough by behaving while in class or on trips. John Mancinelli was my biggest inspiration to becoming a Band Director. He had a love for music and he showed it in his examples, playing, and teaching. He too had a special connection with each and every student. This will be elaborated later. With all the good apples in my basket of friends comes a bad apple. Mr. Vroble, notice I cannot remember his first name, was the worst band director I have seen. He cared for himself and no one else. His love for music had to have died decades ago. He did not help a single student. The marching band even consisted of primarily fifth graders. All three of these band directors are inspirations to me. Robert and John have shown me how I want to act with the students. Caring and sharing everyday. While Mr. Vroble has shown me that there are band programs that exist that continually break down the joy and importance of music. My love of music was not as strong as it is now. Sure, in the beginning, I liked music, but I wanted to go into the field of Marine Biology. Then I taught my first saxophone lesson and I was hooked. I started to wonder, â€Å"Okay, what ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Walt Dysney Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Walt Dysney - Case Study Example The three key elements of such a technology project plan are described below; a. Databases: Detailed information about the existing customers, prospective customers, types of services available, customer orders, other inventory items etc. forms a crucial component of the database. The information, thus generated, can be used to track the periodicity of the customer/s in using the services of the company, tracking of orders, customer preferences etc. Such information can subsequently be used to improve the services of the company. b. Programming: After the company has set up the requisite databases, there's a need to integrate the different database items into one common entity to make the online experience a wholesome e-commerce activity. This can be achieved when there is built-in programming and software coding to assist the database integration and providing a useful user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI). The GUI can be of different types for different segment of customers. The programming also facilitates creation of the order/s, invoice generation, accepting the payment and communicating the shipping details. The programming must make the e-commerce website easy to handle even for a non-technical user. Programming tools like visual basic, java, html, C++ etc. are the most popular one's for creating a user friendly interface. c. Networks: For providing a reliable communication networks function as the backbone. In today's era of Information Technology the world is increasingly becoming networked, technical, and closer to each other. Communication networks are generally defined based on their size and complexity. In general the three main types of networks are Local Area Networks (LAN), Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN) and Wide Area Networks (WAN). Networks not only help the company in information/ data sharing, but it also helps in improving efficiency and reducing costs. When the databases are interconnected though internet or any other type of networking, it also helps in reducing data redundancy and simplification of error handling mechanism. The company can opt for an appropriate network depending upon the type of requirements. Intranets will be used by the company people to update the information for the general user. For example to connection all adjoining database centres within premises the compan y can set up a LAN; to connect two or more company offices within the city the company can set up a MAN while for connecting such data centres located across the countries or regions, it can set up a WAN. Internet will of course be the interface for the user and company officials on the move. Networks will therefore be extremely useful to manage customer orders and inventory. In addition to the above mentioned elements the technology implementation plan requires use of some more assisting technologies so that the new technological solution does not adversely affect any individual/ party concerned with the company. i. Use Cases in System Analysis and Design: Henney (2007) states that, "A 'use case' represents a case of use of a system, ideally one that captures a functional requirement in terms of an identifiable and testable goal." Therefore Disney

Friday, November 1, 2019

Are the Beliefs and Traditions of the Catholic Church Outdated for Research Paper

Are the Beliefs and Traditions of the Catholic Church Outdated for Todays Culture and Society - Research Paper Example And the Church’s cover-up of perverted priests who rape and molest young children is evil and has no place in today’s world. For all of these reasons, the Catholic Church, and the Church’s teachings, does not have a realistic place in today’s society, except for the teachings which are aligned with Jesus, which are based on loving and respecting one another. Discussion The Catholic Church is outmoded in today’s society because of their firm opposition to gay marriage. For instance, a Catholic School teacher was fired in Minnesota, simply because she believed in same-sex marriage (Sobel, 2012). The opposition to homosexual acts is rooted in The Bible, Leviticus 20:13 is the scripture upon which religious institutions base their opposition to homosexuality in general, and same-sex marriage in particular, for this passage states that a man who lies with another man is committing an abomination. However, to be consistent in their religious teachings, th e Catholic Church must abide by all of the scriptures in this Book, or none at all. If one scripture can be said to be irrelevant, or not apply, because the scripture was only referring to ancient times, then the same must be said for all of the Biblical passages. Biblical passages must not be sorted through and religions cannot pick and choose which scripture to enforce, and which ones to ignore. Therefore, some Biblical passages must be illuminated to show the inconsistency of using the Leviticus passage to justify The Catholic Church’s discriminatory response to homosexuals and gay marriage. The most obvious example of an outmoded scripture is Exodus 35:2, which states that the seventh day must be kept holy, and a day to worship the lord, and whoever works on this day shall be put to death. There is not a religious institution in the world, presumably, who follows this edict, and imagine the society that would. Doctors, fire fighters, emergency workers – none of the se individuals would be allowed to work if this Biblical passage would not be followed. Therefore, one better not have a heart attack on a Sunday, one better not accidentally set their house on fire on that day, one better not be a victim of a crime on that day, and one better not get into an accident on this day, because nobody should be allowed to work. The doctors who care for the sick, the firefighters who put out fires, and the police who catch criminals on Sunday should all be put to death for violating the edict regarding the Sabbath. Ridiculous? Well, as noted above, either all scriptures are taken literally or none of them are. If this scripture regarding the Sabbath cannot be taken literally, or dismissed as being antiquated, then so must the scripture regarding the two men who lie with one another. Moreover, the Catholic Church’s discriminatory stance against same-sex marriage has led to another situation where individuals are treated as other or less-than, and not allowed to marry a person of their choice, just because the Catholic Church and other churches teach that this is wrong. This essentially takes the nation back to the days before Loving v. Virginia, 388 US 1 (1967), which is the United States Supreme Court case which stated that anti-miscegenation statutes are an unconstitutional restriction on the freedom to marry. Before this case, states had laws on the books making interracial fornicating a crime, along with miscegenation. The arguments against miscegenation were that such

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Coursework for LLB final year Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

For LLB final year - Coursework Example In Harry and Sally’s case, Sally should agree to divorce Harry before she can make any financial claim from him.1 Sally can claim for long term and short term maintenance payments from Harry. The claim that Harry cannot offer Sally any help since his business has been hit by the recent recession is not admissible in court2. Also, the amount that he is pledging i.e. $1000 for three months is not sufficient. This is because Sally has two dependants who require basic amenities such as food and proper shelter. Additionally, Lara goes to a private school and has private music practice while Gregory has chronic illness that requires constant medical care. Thus, the amount that Harry is offering is hardly enough2. Therefore, Harry should pay more money for maintenance since his family clearly needs more than he is offering. The money should be enough to afford the family a comfortable life since the children are too attached to Sally, who is unable to work due to Gregory’s illness. According to law, child support is accorded to children until they reach the majority age. Harry should, therefore , continue to pay increased amounts of money for the children’s upkeep until they reach this age. Sally has a remedy of obtaining a lump sum from Harry as salary and upkeep for the time she was working for him. When they married, Sally quit her job to support Harry in his practice. She worked for him as his secretary without pay. They built the business together. Though the decision to quit her job is purely a family matter, the fact that Sally worked for Harry has legal backing. Therefore, Harry had a legal obligation to pay Sally a salary as his employer, which he did not fulfil. Harry should, therefore, pay her a lump sum that reflects the salary for the years that she was his employee. Fringe benefits including medical insurance, paid leaves and bonuses should also be included in this lump sum amount. The

Monday, October 28, 2019

Epistemologies; Plato vs. Aristotle Essay Example for Free

Epistemologies; Plato vs. Aristotle Essay Plato, the father of philosophy, was a rationalist. He was the first systematic metaphysician and epistemologist. He believed that we had innate knowledge; a priori. So to him learning was only a matter of remembering. Plato believed that the â€Å"ideal† world existed beyond our own physical earth because according to him realty could not be changing or imperfect. From his point of view what we see are only the particulars, the mimics of the real thing, therefore, we have to pull back from the world of peculiars and search in our own minds. Things like justice or moral virtues do not exist in this world in a proper form. In Crito Meno we can clearly see these ideas. The essential argument in Crito is ‘The Many vs. The One’. Socrates says â€Å"We should’t care all that much about what the populace will say of us, but about what the expert on matters justice and injustice will say, the individual authority, or Truth. † With this phrase he is saying that we should never pay attention to the opinion of the many but always find the one who knows because that is the only person whose opinion is valuable. And later on he goes on to say that if it is never good to do injustice then it is also wrong to do injustice in response to injustice which is why he refuses to escape. In Meno we get more in depth into the idea of inborn knowledge. Meno starts with the question ‘What is Virtue? ’ but Meno always answers the question by giving examples of virtue instead of defining the word and going to the roots of what all those virtues have in common. Down in the world of particulars there are many kinds of virtues for example for the male it’s to run the state, female it’s to run the household but what is important, essential is the traits they both have in common; temperance and justice. Socrates uses the dialectical method in order to get answers out of Meno and also clearly demonstrates this method on a slave of Meno to prove his theory about innate knowledge. Even though it can always be used, using the dialectical method is specifically significant when a person believes that we have innate knowledge, because if what we call learning is just remembering then teaching is just pulling out that knowledge, giving opportunities for that innate knowledge to spring forth. Aristotle on the other hand was an empiricist. He believed that we â€Å"learned† through our senses, by gathering knowledge from the world around us; â€Å"a posteriori†. By reading ‘On the soul’ and ‘Metaphysics’ we get a clear sense of Aristotle’s epistemology. Aristotle encourages embracing the particular in order to possibly gain a sense of the universal. According to Aristotle forms are the essence and when we combine form and matter we get human. The reading ‘On the Soul’ discusses that the body and the soul is not one, that sight allows us to absorb the world in very abstract ways and that memory is learning. In the reading ‘Metaphysics’ Aristotle sets forth causes for the explanation of change: Substance (essence), Matter (or substratum), Source of change and the cause opposed to this. Plato and Aristotle both believed in a universal purpose but the ways in which they got to these universal purposes were very different. Plato was an idealist, he despised the physical whereas Aristotle was a scientist, he loved facts and commonsense. Aristotle would argue that we gain knowledge after experience (a posteriori) but Plato would certainly disagree and say that we gain knowledge before experience (a priori). Plato believes that there is a world of ideas where ideas exist perfectly, the objects in our world are just mimics whereas Aristotle says that the ideas we perceive are inside the particular object. By saying that matter and form combined is what makes an individual Aristotle brings Plato’s Forms â€Å"down from the heavens to concrete reality. †

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Andy Dufresne8217s Search for a Perfect World in the Shawshank Redemption :: essays papers

Andy Dufresne8217s Search for a Perfect World in the Shawshank Redemption ï » ¿Andy Dufresne's Search For A Perfect World Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) is a wrongly convicted lawyer, serving time in the hell known as Shawshank Prison for the murder of his adulterous wife. Andy’s life in prison starts off miserably. He finds maggots in his food, is regularly raped by â€Å"the Sisters†, a group of prisoners who beat an rape other prisoners, and is threatened an harassed by the prison’s guards. However, as time goes on, Andy slowly turns the hell he lives in into a livable, if not perfect world. He files the guards’ tax returns, so that he saves the guards money in ways they could never have found. In return, the guards protect him for the sisters. He even helps the warden of Shawshank to launder money. (The warden receives bribes in exchange for the free prison labor he offers to farmers and businesses around the state.) Andy also befriends the prison’s one man black market, a man known as Red (Morgan Freeman), and is able to purchase a few luxuries. Through Red, Andy buys a rock hammer, which he uses to carve a chess set, and posters of the decades’ most beautiful women (as time goes on, Rita Hayworth is replaced by Marilyn Monroe. Andy, though, still has dreams of a truly perfect world, one without walls or cells, where he can be truly free. This causes Andy to work every night at digging tunnel out of the prison and into the outside world. Before Andy escapes, he tells Red about a place to go to, if he should ever get out of prison. Then one night he escapes. He then empties every account he built up while working for the warden. After which he exposes the money laundering scheme going on inside the prison. Finally Red gets parole, and he joins Andy on a sunny beach in Mexico. Andy has found his Utopia, a place where he has a friend, and no restrictions. Tim Robbins does an excellent job of portraying a man stuck amongst rapists, murderers, and thieves. Robbins shows just the right amount of unbeaten hope, combined with a certain distant, aloof look at times, put together these show that he, unlike the rest of the prisoners, has an internal fire, separating him from the rest of the inmates.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

ter :: essays research papers

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - An attacker police suspected was a Palestinian woman detonated explosives in Jerusalem's main shopping street on Sunday, killing herself and an elderly Israeli and wounding dozens, Israeli police said. The blast on Jaffa Road was the third attack on an Israeli city center in less than a week and raised the specter of fresh Israeli retaliation. It was also likely to increase Israeli and U.S. pressure on Palestinian President Yasser Arafat (news - web sites) to do more to rein in militants behind the mounting wave of bloodshed. Israeli police said the bomber and an 81-year-old Israeli man were killed, but the circumstances of the attack were not immediately clear. ``We are not calling her a suicide bomber, just a bomber. She is not an innocent bystander. There is a host of possibilities regarding how the bomb went off,'' police spokesman Gil Kleiman said. He said they suspected she was a Palestinian. It was the first time a female bomber has carried out a fatal bomb attack in Israel during the 16-month old Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation. ``We've had intelligence warnings on woman suicide attackers, albeit not recently,'' Deputy Public Security Minister Gideon Ezra told Reuters. There was no immediate claim of responsibility. CYCLE OF RETRIBUTION The Palestinian Authority (news - web sites) condemned the attack. In a statement, it called on the United States, which last week postponed a truce mission by its envoy Anthony Zinni, to send him back to the region without delay. Two days ago a Palestinian suicide bomber killed himself and wounded 25 people in Tel Aviv. Last Tuesday, a Palestinian gunman killed two Israeli women on Jaffa Road, near the scene of Sunday's bombing. Police shot him dead. Voicing criticism of Arafat after Friday's blast, President Bush (news - web sites) told reporters: ``I am disappointed in Yasser Arafat. He must make a full effort to rout out terror in the Middle East.'' Sunday's explosion occurred near the Sbarro pizzeria where a Palestinian suicide bomber killed 16 in August. Photos Reuters Photo Asked about Israeli retaliation, Dore Gold, an adviser to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon (news - web sites), said: ``The military will bring its recommendations for the approval of the political echelon.'' Israeli jets fired missiles on Friday at Palestinian security targets in the West Bank and Gaza, wounding two Palestinians in retaliation for Friday's suicide bombing attack. And an Israeli missile strike on Thursday followed the shooting attack that killed the two Israeli women.