Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Coursework for LLB final year Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

For LLB final year - Coursework Example In Harry and Sally’s case, Sally should agree to divorce Harry before she can make any financial claim from him.1 Sally can claim for long term and short term maintenance payments from Harry. The claim that Harry cannot offer Sally any help since his business has been hit by the recent recession is not admissible in court2. Also, the amount that he is pledging i.e. $1000 for three months is not sufficient. This is because Sally has two dependants who require basic amenities such as food and proper shelter. Additionally, Lara goes to a private school and has private music practice while Gregory has chronic illness that requires constant medical care. Thus, the amount that Harry is offering is hardly enough2. Therefore, Harry should pay more money for maintenance since his family clearly needs more than he is offering. The money should be enough to afford the family a comfortable life since the children are too attached to Sally, who is unable to work due to Gregory’s illness. According to law, child support is accorded to children until they reach the majority age. Harry should, therefore , continue to pay increased amounts of money for the children’s upkeep until they reach this age. Sally has a remedy of obtaining a lump sum from Harry as salary and upkeep for the time she was working for him. When they married, Sally quit her job to support Harry in his practice. She worked for him as his secretary without pay. They built the business together. Though the decision to quit her job is purely a family matter, the fact that Sally worked for Harry has legal backing. Therefore, Harry had a legal obligation to pay Sally a salary as his employer, which he did not fulfil. Harry should, therefore, pay her a lump sum that reflects the salary for the years that she was his employee. Fringe benefits including medical insurance, paid leaves and bonuses should also be included in this lump sum amount. The

Monday, October 28, 2019

Epistemologies; Plato vs. Aristotle Essay Example for Free

Epistemologies; Plato vs. Aristotle Essay Plato, the father of philosophy, was a rationalist. He was the first systematic metaphysician and epistemologist. He believed that we had innate knowledge; a priori. So to him learning was only a matter of remembering. Plato believed that the â€Å"ideal† world existed beyond our own physical earth because according to him realty could not be changing or imperfect. From his point of view what we see are only the particulars, the mimics of the real thing, therefore, we have to pull back from the world of peculiars and search in our own minds. Things like justice or moral virtues do not exist in this world in a proper form. In Crito Meno we can clearly see these ideas. The essential argument in Crito is ‘The Many vs. The One’. Socrates says â€Å"We should’t care all that much about what the populace will say of us, but about what the expert on matters justice and injustice will say, the individual authority, or Truth. † With this phrase he is saying that we should never pay attention to the opinion of the many but always find the one who knows because that is the only person whose opinion is valuable. And later on he goes on to say that if it is never good to do injustice then it is also wrong to do injustice in response to injustice which is why he refuses to escape. In Meno we get more in depth into the idea of inborn knowledge. Meno starts with the question ‘What is Virtue? ’ but Meno always answers the question by giving examples of virtue instead of defining the word and going to the roots of what all those virtues have in common. Down in the world of particulars there are many kinds of virtues for example for the male it’s to run the state, female it’s to run the household but what is important, essential is the traits they both have in common; temperance and justice. Socrates uses the dialectical method in order to get answers out of Meno and also clearly demonstrates this method on a slave of Meno to prove his theory about innate knowledge. Even though it can always be used, using the dialectical method is specifically significant when a person believes that we have innate knowledge, because if what we call learning is just remembering then teaching is just pulling out that knowledge, giving opportunities for that innate knowledge to spring forth. Aristotle on the other hand was an empiricist. He believed that we â€Å"learned† through our senses, by gathering knowledge from the world around us; â€Å"a posteriori†. By reading ‘On the soul’ and ‘Metaphysics’ we get a clear sense of Aristotle’s epistemology. Aristotle encourages embracing the particular in order to possibly gain a sense of the universal. According to Aristotle forms are the essence and when we combine form and matter we get human. The reading ‘On the Soul’ discusses that the body and the soul is not one, that sight allows us to absorb the world in very abstract ways and that memory is learning. In the reading ‘Metaphysics’ Aristotle sets forth causes for the explanation of change: Substance (essence), Matter (or substratum), Source of change and the cause opposed to this. Plato and Aristotle both believed in a universal purpose but the ways in which they got to these universal purposes were very different. Plato was an idealist, he despised the physical whereas Aristotle was a scientist, he loved facts and commonsense. Aristotle would argue that we gain knowledge after experience (a posteriori) but Plato would certainly disagree and say that we gain knowledge before experience (a priori). Plato believes that there is a world of ideas where ideas exist perfectly, the objects in our world are just mimics whereas Aristotle says that the ideas we perceive are inside the particular object. By saying that matter and form combined is what makes an individual Aristotle brings Plato’s Forms â€Å"down from the heavens to concrete reality. †

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Andy Dufresne8217s Search for a Perfect World in the Shawshank Redemption :: essays papers

Andy Dufresne8217s Search for a Perfect World in the Shawshank Redemption ï » ¿Andy Dufresne's Search For A Perfect World Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) is a wrongly convicted lawyer, serving time in the hell known as Shawshank Prison for the murder of his adulterous wife. Andy’s life in prison starts off miserably. He finds maggots in his food, is regularly raped by â€Å"the Sisters†, a group of prisoners who beat an rape other prisoners, and is threatened an harassed by the prison’s guards. However, as time goes on, Andy slowly turns the hell he lives in into a livable, if not perfect world. He files the guards’ tax returns, so that he saves the guards money in ways they could never have found. In return, the guards protect him for the sisters. He even helps the warden of Shawshank to launder money. (The warden receives bribes in exchange for the free prison labor he offers to farmers and businesses around the state.) Andy also befriends the prison’s one man black market, a man known as Red (Morgan Freeman), and is able to purchase a few luxuries. Through Red, Andy buys a rock hammer, which he uses to carve a chess set, and posters of the decades’ most beautiful women (as time goes on, Rita Hayworth is replaced by Marilyn Monroe. Andy, though, still has dreams of a truly perfect world, one without walls or cells, where he can be truly free. This causes Andy to work every night at digging tunnel out of the prison and into the outside world. Before Andy escapes, he tells Red about a place to go to, if he should ever get out of prison. Then one night he escapes. He then empties every account he built up while working for the warden. After which he exposes the money laundering scheme going on inside the prison. Finally Red gets parole, and he joins Andy on a sunny beach in Mexico. Andy has found his Utopia, a place where he has a friend, and no restrictions. Tim Robbins does an excellent job of portraying a man stuck amongst rapists, murderers, and thieves. Robbins shows just the right amount of unbeaten hope, combined with a certain distant, aloof look at times, put together these show that he, unlike the rest of the prisoners, has an internal fire, separating him from the rest of the inmates.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

ter :: essays research papers

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - An attacker police suspected was a Palestinian woman detonated explosives in Jerusalem's main shopping street on Sunday, killing herself and an elderly Israeli and wounding dozens, Israeli police said. The blast on Jaffa Road was the third attack on an Israeli city center in less than a week and raised the specter of fresh Israeli retaliation. It was also likely to increase Israeli and U.S. pressure on Palestinian President Yasser Arafat (news - web sites) to do more to rein in militants behind the mounting wave of bloodshed. Israeli police said the bomber and an 81-year-old Israeli man were killed, but the circumstances of the attack were not immediately clear. ``We are not calling her a suicide bomber, just a bomber. She is not an innocent bystander. There is a host of possibilities regarding how the bomb went off,'' police spokesman Gil Kleiman said. He said they suspected she was a Palestinian. It was the first time a female bomber has carried out a fatal bomb attack in Israel during the 16-month old Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation. ``We've had intelligence warnings on woman suicide attackers, albeit not recently,'' Deputy Public Security Minister Gideon Ezra told Reuters. There was no immediate claim of responsibility. CYCLE OF RETRIBUTION The Palestinian Authority (news - web sites) condemned the attack. In a statement, it called on the United States, which last week postponed a truce mission by its envoy Anthony Zinni, to send him back to the region without delay. Two days ago a Palestinian suicide bomber killed himself and wounded 25 people in Tel Aviv. Last Tuesday, a Palestinian gunman killed two Israeli women on Jaffa Road, near the scene of Sunday's bombing. Police shot him dead. Voicing criticism of Arafat after Friday's blast, President Bush (news - web sites) told reporters: ``I am disappointed in Yasser Arafat. He must make a full effort to rout out terror in the Middle East.'' Sunday's explosion occurred near the Sbarro pizzeria where a Palestinian suicide bomber killed 16 in August. Photos Reuters Photo Asked about Israeli retaliation, Dore Gold, an adviser to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon (news - web sites), said: ``The military will bring its recommendations for the approval of the political echelon.'' Israeli jets fired missiles on Friday at Palestinian security targets in the West Bank and Gaza, wounding two Palestinians in retaliation for Friday's suicide bombing attack. And an Israeli missile strike on Thursday followed the shooting attack that killed the two Israeli women.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Pressures Of Higher Education Essay

It is a brisk day in October, and all the leaves are crackling as every college student around the country is headed to his or her library, trying to get some studying in for the next exams. Some fully understand the subject matter and will constantly pressure themselves to keep on getting better; Others do not fully understand the subject mater and are too busy thinking about how they intend to pay for this class again once they fail. Most belong somewhere in the middle, constantly contemplating why they even put the stress of higher education onto themselves. Higher education is the catalyst to advancing our society to unknown boundaries. The pressures that come along with higher education vary from relaxed to extremely exhausting. These pressures are showcased nonstop in community colleges, state universities and lastly Ivy League private universities. While community colleges have often been looked down upon as a relaxed version of actual higher education, community colleges have been proven to raise the amount of pressure and stress on the enrolled students. The levels of difficulty of the curriculums are indeed lower than those of other colleges and universities. That is not necessarily a bad thing knowing that the typical student enrolled in community college either was not fully prepared for the challenge of other colleges or universities, or they just were not financially ready to make that step up. These struggling students need more time to work on their problems. Students can pursue an Associates Degree in their major without feeling overwhelmed by the pressure of trying to get a bachelor’s degree too early, leading them into failing grades. The students that are enrolled simply because of not having the financial means to enroll into other colleges and universities tend to have a high level of stress, not because they feel stunned by the subject matter, but because of the opposite. Not feeling challenged enough can create pressure on them because they do not feel as if they are getting the education they truly deserve. Community college may come off as a pressure free area, but in reality it has its pressure provoking aspects like all other outlets of higher education. The pressures of state universities are easily visible from the outside vantage point. To start, the number of majors offered at state universities is astounding. Most people that are given that much choice tend to realize that they do not really know what they want to major in. This epiphany leads them into declaring undecided. To go along with the high number of majors, the curriculums of all these majors often are just as breathtaking in difficultly. The number of students to teacher ratio is usually staggering, which creates more pressure for a student to grasp the concepts the first time. The tuition for state universities averages around twenty thousand annually. Most full time students cannot afford this price; therefore, students are forced to rely heavily on financial aid and scholarships. When that many people are competing for the same pile of assets, some tend to get left without enough. This increases the focus on the pressure of finding enough money for every semester’s expensive needs instead of focusing on the actual classes they are paying for. Even though the average students that attend a state university tend to have more control over the pressures of higher education, they can still feel the pressure. The pressures of higher education are substantially more evident in Ivy League students, due to the utmost need to succeed. The term â€Å"Ivy League† is defined as a group of long established eastern colleges and universities having high academic and social prestige. It is not hard to understand why the Ivy League schools are in their own prestigious bubble of higher education. Every student that enrolls in these schools was once part of the highly pressured top five percent of his or her high school. These students often have a genuinely hard time with transitioning from a fairly easy curriculum into their new extremely rigorous curriculums. A smooth transition is needed in order to earn a degree from their respective schools. Without that smooth transition, the students will start to feel overwhelmed, and the pressure will overcome them. Another contributing factor of pressure in Ivy League schools is the fact that the prices of attending these schools match the arduousness . The average tuition for an Ivy League school reaches into figures above fifty thousand annually. Grants, scholarships and financial aid play a very substantial part in full time students’ lives. If they were to receive unsatisfactory grades, then they would lose everything. Being forced to find a way to pay that much for their education would pressure them into dropping out, effectively ruining every high aspiration that student once had. Even though the Ivy League students have tremendous control over pressure, the pressures of higher education like money and making perfect grades, can lead to the failure of an otherwise perfect student. It does not matter whether a student is enrolled in a basic community college, state university or an Ivy League school, students will be faced with pressured situations. For a community college student, the pressures of worrying about not being fully ready for the challenges of college, or just not having the financial means to pay for it, will present themselves. Having control over how pressure affects them, and having the means for state universities, does not guarantee you will be ready for the feeling of being lost in the crowd instead of being an individual. Even though you would assume Ivy League attendees are perfect, sometimes the pressures of having to live up to that standard can overwhelm the student. No matter the level of difficultly, pursuing higher education will always create pressure on a student; the different routes of higher education will just affect the student in their own unique ways.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Barangay West Rembo essays

Barangay West Rembo essays When Fort Bonifacio was designated to be the home of the Philippine Army, B/Gen. Alfonso Arellano, the Commanding General of the Philippines Army at that time, relocated inhabitants of the nearby barrio to a well-situated area, which is now known as BARANGAY WEST REMBO. REMBO is actually an acronym for Riverside Enlisted Mens Barrio. Bounded in the north by J.P. Rizal Extension going to Pateros and Pasig River; in the east by Circumferential Road (C5 Highway) and Barangay East Rembo; in the west by Lawton Avenue (old Gate 1 Fort Bonifacio) and Barangay Cembo; and Kalayaan Avenue (Radial Road) and BCDA Global City in the south, which is composed of eight sitios. It has a land area of 54.7 hectares. Its physical attributes are both residential and commercial but the majority of the patterns of its land use are for residential lots. To date, it has a population of 30,534and has 19,937 registered voters. Military authorities used to appoint the Barangay Leaders until 1982, when the Commision on Electionsauthorized the residents of Fort Bonifacio to elect their Barangay Leaders who came mostly from the Philippine Army. This paved the way to the escalation of a peaceful and progressive Barangay in Makati today. Barangay West Rembo has been under thirteen Punong Barangays. The fourteenth and present Punong Barangay is Maria Theresa Nillo-de Lara. Setting a new trend in the political history of Barangay West Rembo, she is the very first female Punong Barangay, the only non-military personnel and the only one who rose from the ranks Kabataang Barangay and Barangay Kagawad. With the leadership of the City Government and Barangay Leaders, Barangay West Rembo attained its finest years. They stood up to the vision of transforming West Rembo as Makati Citys Center for Education and Cultural Affairs. Among these transformations were the establishments of modern public schools, Barangay Hall, Sports Complex, peoples ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Create a Resume Packed with Action Words

How to Create a Resume Packed with Action Words Action. Romance. Intrigue. These aren’t words you’d usually associate with resume-writing, but they’ve got your attention, right? When you write anything, you want it to be as interesting to the reader as possible. And that’s doubly true for your resume- you want it to pop so that the recruiter or hiring manager looks at your resume in a field of similar ones and thinks, â€Å"This person needs to come in for an interview.† And while your resume doesn’t need to be written like an action movie to get attention, you could take some of this concept to heart as you get ready to revamp your resume. One of the easiest and most effective ways to improve your resume has nothing to do with the format or bells and whistles- it comes down to good old-fashioned writing. If you choose strong verbs throughout, you can convey a lot of information with a small handful of words, saving precious, precious space on your resume and saving the reader some time an d energy by getting right to the point.It may have been a while since your last round of grammar lessons, so let’s do a quick recap of what you need to know when writing your resume.1.  Generic Verbs  2. Action Verbs vs. Passive Verbs  3.  Rewriting with Action Words  Generic VerbsVerbs are words that convey an action. I came, I saw, I conquered. In a resume, they tell the reader what you currently do and what you’ve done in your career.If you look at your resume, there are probably a number of perfectly cromulent verbs that describe your career up to this point: managed, was responsible for, organized, handled. There’s nothing technically wrong with these words, but there are a couple of reasons why they’re not ideal for your resume 2.0.1. They’re super-common 95% of the resumes that come through for any given job opening are going to have the same exact words. And you want to stand out from that crowd, don’t you?2. They donâ€⠄¢t actually say muchGreat, you were responsible for sales reports. What did you do with them? Did you process them? Analyze them? Use them to make paper airplanes? Any information that’s left vague will leave the reader with an incomplete picture. That’s a gap that will need to be addressed in the interview, if you’re lucky enough to get to that step. More likely, the reader’s gaze has skipped right over the generic statement about your sales report experience.Active Verbs vs. Passive VerbsWhen thinking about the verbs in your resume, another important point to consider is the voice. Is this an active verb (showing direct action) or a passive verb (showing how action was done to you/someone/something)? Let’s try a quick example.I was given the 2015 Employee of the Year award.  ORI won the 2015 Employee of the Year award.Now, the difference is subtle, but in the first example, you’re a passive participant, like you just happened to catch t he award as it passed by. In the second example, you went out and won that award because you deserved it, darn it!You want your resume to convey a confident voice, and strong verbs (the ones that show specific, decisive action) are a shortcut to that confidence. This may require a bit of unlearning what you always thought true of resumes. I know that personally, I once thought that formal and complicated language was the way to go on a resume. After all, I wanted them to know I was dignified and articulate, and what better way to do that than revert to a kind of super-formal, fancy-sounding prose? (I will neither confirm nor deny that one of my earliest cover letters included the phrase â€Å"good day, sir or madam.†)It’s kind of human nature to think that extra words = high-quality. But you don’t necessarily need to hold onto that kind of thinking. Now that resumes are read on screens more than on paper, you have less space, and less attention to your words on the page. You want to make the most of that opportunity. There’s no reason to sacrifice direct, accurate information for the sake of a â€Å"traditional† voice.What it comes down to is that the person reading your resume is not the strict 8th grade English teacher of your nightmares. The person is a regular reader, who likely has little time to sit down and read a treatise on what you were responsible for handling and organizing in your previous three jobs. Really, he or she just wants to know what you’ve done, how you express yourself, and that you can show how qualified you are up front. The more straightforward you can make that process, the more likely you are to catch the right kind of attention.Rewriting with Action WordsBefore you go into your resume with a surgeon’s scalpel for revisions, take a look at what you already have in the current version of your resume. (Or, if this is your first time creating a resume, look at the list of bullet points you want to import.) Go through carefully, and underline every verb you see. At each one, ask yourself, is this verb as specific as it could be? Is it active or passive? Could it be more interesting? Once you have your roadmap of verbs to update, you can start thinking about words that would work better instead.You don’t need to replace every single word in your resume. For example, sometimes organized is the best word to describe what you did, but the important part is taking a closer look at every bullet point on your resume and seeing which ones could be better. It’s crucial toNow let’s walk through some alternatives to common resume verbs.Leadership Verbs  These are words that show how you’ve led and managed tasks and/or people.Instead of:Try one of these:LedChairedDirectedMotivatedCoachedCultivatedManagedControlledEnabledEnforcedCoordinatedExcuted  Ã‚  Service VerbsWords that flesh out your experience working with clients or other stakeholders in your previous jobs.  Instead of:Try one of these:Communicated WithArbitratedEnabledDealt WithClarifiedExplainedSupportedConsultedFacilitatedFieldedInformed  Communication VerbsWords that show how you’ve presented information throughout your career.  Instead of:Try one of these:CommunicatedAuthoredConveyedRelayedBriefedConvincedSpoke toCampaignedCorrespondedWrote AboutInformedCritiqued  Analysis VerbsWords that convey your ability to parse and process information.Instead of:  Ã‚   Try one of these:AnalyzedAssessedAuditedInvestigatedQuantifiedDeterminedEvaluatedExploredMappedTestedimprovedIdentifiedInterpretedQualified  Innovation VerbsWords that show creativity and initiative.Instead of:                 Try one of these:ImprovedAssembledConvertedOrganizedCustomizedCreated  When you’re evaluating your resume to see which word fits the best, make sure that you’re using the right word. The last thing you want to do is use words inaccuratel y. It could give the reader an incorrect impression about your experience, or if it’s just plain wrong, could give the reader pause about whether you know what you’re talking about. If you have doubts about any word, don’t feel obligated to include it. A quick search online should tell you if you’re using it correctly, if you need backup. This is yet another spot where a resume buddy comes in handy: a trusted pair of eyes can help you identify action words that don’t seem quite right, or ones that need a little sprucing up.Once you’ve selected the perfect verb for each bullet point, make sure you go through and present them all the same way (also known as parallel construction). This means that all of your verbs are in the past tense (for previous jobs) or present tense (for your current job), and are presented similarly from section to section in your resume.For example:Working with clientsI revised the filing system for the entire Omaha br anch office.Was responsible for leading the Social Activities Committee.These are kind of all over the place- you want them to be consistent. The best way is to lead with the action word. You don’t need subjects like â€Å"I,† because the reader already knows you’re talking about yourself. Better to cut to the chase.Revised approach:Liaised with clientsRevamped the filing system for the entire Omaha branch office to include digital record managementChaired the Social Activities CommitteeRemember: you want your resume to be a lean, mean machine, with the most important information about your career and your readiness for the job clear to the reader. Any reader, which means the paper reader, the busy digital reader, and the no-attention-span reader. Clean, clear, and concise will always get you where you want to be.Happy wordsmithing!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Team Building Activity

Team Building Activity The team building activity under discussion was tailored to integrate a synergetic model in enhancing communication between the patient and health care professional in the provision of healthcare services to the patient. The team building activity involved identifying the rationale to establish the team and the consequent benefits of effective teamwork.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Team Building Activity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The team building activity was completed by creating a compensation plan that integrated the aspect of teamwork as a critical component, a strategy supported in the arguments of (Grazier, 1998) and (Prebble Frederick, 2007). The main objective of the team building activity was to enhance and improve communication between healthcare service providers and the patients to better understand patient needs to improve service delivery as a team synergetic benefit. The aim was to improve the effectiveness of team participants, strategically aiming at achieving the spelt down objective, ensuring that strengths of team members were effectively used to overcome members’ weaknesses, and ensure that all team members contributed to the laid down team building plan (Prebble Frederick, 2007). The participants, who were healthcare professionals, were formed into groups of four members in each of the three groups forming the team. The team members consisted of health care professional from different categories. These categories included physicians, nurses, administrators, and doctors, among other members in the profession. The team building activity included identifying the purpose of the team, the needs of the team, composition of team members, the time the team was likely to last, and the benefits to the designate individuals to be affected by the team members, specifically the patient. In the hypothetical groups, each of the members was given a piece of paper to wr ite a personal evaluation of self and the problems encountered in communicating with patients. Then each of the papers describing self was mixed together from the number of groups that were formed. Each of the team members could then be rotated and other team members could evaluate the other group on their effectiveness in communicating with the patients. The process went on until all the groups were fully involved in evaluating the other group members.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More At the completion stage, all team members could identify critical communicating element and each member’s weaknesses and suggest the possible solutions to the communication problem faced (Prebble Frederick, 2007). Why it would be Effective The team was projected to be effective due to a number of components critically defining it. Each of the team members could address the tec hnical healthcare needs of patients through an improved communication plan. To address the human needs of patients, improved interpersonal relationships between healthcare professional and the patients could also be achieved (Crother-Laurin, 2006). Crother-Laurin (2006) argues that to ensure that the team is effective in the fulfillment of its objective, team members were required to balance their technical and human interaction skills, while inculcating the element of fellowship in each of the team members. Each of the team members was required to be the team steward and be loyal, besides each member being responsible for personal decision making and motivate each of the members. To sustain motivation, members could embrace a learning environment to cultivate newly acquired skills and other skills improvement opportunities. That could be catalyzed by good leadership approaches by employing good leadership skills (Crother-Laurin, 2006). The leadership could provide stimulus for team members to be self actualized through a typical compensation plan. Therefore, a complete understanding of the team members could understand and endeavor to improve their productivity (Miller, 2008). References Crother-Laurin, C. (2006). Effective Teams: A Symptom of Healthy Leadership. The Journal for Quality and Participation, 29(3), 4. Web.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Team Building Activity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Grazier, P. (1998). Team Motivation. Web. Miller, B. (2008). Quick activities to improve your team. The Journal for Quality and Participation, 31(2), 19-20. Web. Prebble, D., Frederick, H. (2007). 10 Ways to distinguish between a team and a group. Web.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Survey of Advances in Biometric Security Research Paper

A Survey of Advances in Biometric Security - Research Paper Example The research paper primarily emphasizes upon the analysis of the advancement that has been seen in the field of biometrics over the years, which has widened its implementation and popularity in the recent time. It has been learnt that biometric solutions have become quite popular amid various sectors of the society with regard to its importance as a security control measures. The technology works for analyzing and evaluating the identification of any individual through examining their physical and biological elements. It is believed that the technology assure utmost accuracy while executing the process of data accumulation and data analysis further ensuring the proper identification of any individuals. This aspect further aids in assuring protection of any secured areas or confidential networks. There are several forms of biometric security solutions, such DNA identification, fingerprint analysis, face recognition and etc. However, it is believed that there are certain errors that ca n take place in the process of executing security measures through the use of biometric solutions. This particular aspect, impact the social acceptance of the system. It is known that use of biometric solutions has its origination since the early civilization where many of the approaches currently used by biometric solutions were used for various purposes. It can be concluded that biometric security solutions has developed rapidly over the years and recently has gained widespread acceptance as one of the most reliable security measures.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Feminism and International Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Feminism and International Security - Essay Example In the face of increased security threats emanating from terror activities and techno wars, feminist voices have risen to demand for inclusion of women in international security systems. This study seeks to investigate the relationship between feminism and international security. This will be done by answering the question: what is the impact of feminism on international security? A comprehensive analysis of different literature on studies done on feminism and international security will be conducted so as to shed more light on this issue. (Blanchard 70-119), discusses the functions of feminist scholarship in international security by reviewing feminist literature on international relations. According to the study, feminists in the international relations have not put adequate focus on the issue of military hardware leading to scanty information on war, gender and technology understudied. The study also notes the importance of inclusion of women in security matters by analyzing the practical aspect of feminist security theory in the combating global insecurity. According to Blanchard, international relations; the body of discipline tasked with theorizing the world only created a place for feminist analysts just recently. This could be the reason behind the few female led academic studies and findings on topics relating to politics, military and war issues. The fact that foreign policy and military affairs have been mostly conducted by men, the academic discipline tasked with analyzing this two areas have become largel y masculine. The assumptions, explanations and experiences focus on men making it difficult for women to find scholarly materials on women experiences. According to (Pettman 19-56), historically women have played second fiddle to men in the decision making process on the global platform. Women have continually been rendered insecure through acts of sexual violence, gendered division of labour and

An essay on Andrew Jackson and the negative aspects of his presidency

An on Andrew Jackson and the negative aspects of his presidency - Essay Example Body During the period of Andrew Jackson’s presidency, a huge amount of population that belonged to the group of Native Americans resided in the regions located east of the Mississippi River as well as West of the Appalachian Mountains (Tucker 667). Although the natives claimed that the land belonged to them, Jackson was against their view and took strong measures against them. He evacuated these Native Americans from their homeland by bribing the leaders of their tribes and even coerced them at the tip of the gun. Due to measures taken by Jackson, these individuals had to travel to look for a new place to settle and due to the difficulty in finding a new location, several of them experienced death and a huge population of those who died included women and children. This event clearly shows that Jackson used his powers in an unethical way and worked against the rights of humans. Human rights are the basis of the foundation of the American society; still Jackson used his power to violate human rights. Due to this move made by Jackson, Native Americans were forced to blend into other cultures and this move is in violation of an individuals’ right of choosing what is right and what is wrong for them. His mal treatment with the Natives did not come to an end even after he kicked them out of their own homeland. The Cherokee, an Indian tribe tried to settle in the region that is referred to as the American Deep South and tried to blend through the act of cultural transformation. While this transformation was taking place, Andrew Jackson again dislocated the Native Americans through the enactment of Indian Removal Act that was enacted during the period of 1830 (Schultz 637). By the period of 1838, the Cherokee community was the last Native American community that was evacuated from their land. Due to this evacuation and relocation a total of 4,000 members of the community of Cherokees experienced death and this incident was regarded as Cherokee Trail of Fears (Seale 259). This movement took place because gold was found in the region where the community settled and Jackson tried to add the region to the state of Georgia, while the Cherokee community protested and took the matters to the court. The court announced the decision in the favor of the community, but Jackson operated against the rulings of the court and took measures to move the community from the region. Again, the rights of the Native Americans were violated by the president. This event even shows that Jackson was misusing his powers as a president and believed that he was above the court of law. When President Jackson came into action, the government system was quite fair in nature, but He reversed fair practices and started operating a corrupt government. He introduced the spoils system; according to this system the president and or the winning political party has the power of electing anybody to any position in the government (Massey 126). He manipulated the governmen t with his powers and replaced the experienced holders of government positions with inexperienced ones. The individuals who were selected to take over government positions were mostly close associated of the president and did not know how to run the affairs. This event even confirms that the president used his powers to manipulate and to obtain personal benefits while disregarding the benefit

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Human Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human Development - Essay Example 3. Explain the relationship of language to memory. 4. What is theory of the mind and how does it develop? 5. How does moral development change from infancy through middle childhood? How does cognition develop from infancy through middle childhood? Cognition develops in infancy through active exploring using cognitive structures. Piaget’s cognitive theory explained that for the child to discover his surroundings has to develop his intelligence through organization and adaptation. Organization takes place when a child systematically combines existing structures with interrelated actions and ideas. Adaptation on the other hand is when a child adjusts to the demand of his surroundings employing assimilation and accommodation. A child is said to have assimilated experiences when it is interpreted in terms of cognitive structures. Existing cognitive structures are used to understand new events. While accommodation is the modification of what is learned from the earlier experiences. For example, as the child gazes an object, he tries to grasp to reach. However, as he ages, he recognizes primitive structures thus refined action is expected. The same holds true in the child’s knowledge of a dog. For his first encounter, he may give a definition of a dog to be a thing that barks. However, for successive exposures, he may look at the dog as an animal with four legs.

The legalization of marijuanna Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

The legalization of marijuanna - Essay Example in regard to the crime of drug use is that it is a self abusive crime, the only victim of the commission of this crime being the person using the drug. The illegal nature of drugs creates all of the victimization associated with drug use. More specifically, marijuana has properties that have the ability to naturally support different types of illnesses. Therefore, it is ethically irresponsible for society to continue to support the criminalization of drugs, especially in the case of marijuana. Through the lens of virtue ethics, one can examine an issue in regard to moral good and moral evil (Darwall, 2003, p. 53). One of the ways in which society has collectively determined that drugs should be criminalized is through the concept that they represent a moral evil. The social point of view is that anything that threatens the perception of safety and normalcy should be criminalized in order to provide perceived protection. The problem with this point of view is that it is blind to the realities of the effects of criminalization which are creating a far more moral evil than the self abuse of drug use represents. The moral evils that are created through criminalization is that it empowers people who have constructed evil intent, most often through greed, to create collaborative efforts that are outside of the control of the state. Virtue ethics is defined by perception. An example is given by Darwall (2003), in regard to two men who can provide another with the same service or advantage, the first man doing the service because he feels it is his moral responsibility and does it through a sense of altruism, where the second man does it because it fulfills an aspect of his own greed. The discussion is centered upon which man will have the greatest amount of sentiment, in this case gratitude, from the person who receives the service. It is the perceived motivation of the person providing the service that creates the level of gratitude as a response (p. 53). The fact is,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Human Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human Development - Essay Example 3. Explain the relationship of language to memory. 4. What is theory of the mind and how does it develop? 5. How does moral development change from infancy through middle childhood? How does cognition develop from infancy through middle childhood? Cognition develops in infancy through active exploring using cognitive structures. Piaget’s cognitive theory explained that for the child to discover his surroundings has to develop his intelligence through organization and adaptation. Organization takes place when a child systematically combines existing structures with interrelated actions and ideas. Adaptation on the other hand is when a child adjusts to the demand of his surroundings employing assimilation and accommodation. A child is said to have assimilated experiences when it is interpreted in terms of cognitive structures. Existing cognitive structures are used to understand new events. While accommodation is the modification of what is learned from the earlier experiences. For example, as the child gazes an object, he tries to grasp to reach. However, as he ages, he recognizes primitive structures thus refined action is expected. The same holds true in the child’s knowledge of a dog. For his first encounter, he may give a definition of a dog to be a thing that barks. However, for successive exposures, he may look at the dog as an animal with four legs.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Organizational Governance Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Organizational Governance Analysis - Essay Example At departmental levels, decisions are mandatory and all departments need to make decisions which are oriented to the vision, mission and general objectives of the organization. The governance of an organization bears on organizational culture which may be construed to refer to attitudes, values and beliefs which are shared by the people constituting a particular organization. Alternatively, organizational culture may be seen to refer to both the norms, principles and standards that guide individual behavior in an organization thereby controlling the way individuals and groups of people within the organization interact with one another and with other stakeholders that are found out of the active running of the organization (Hill and Jones, 2001). The governing body not only gives direction to organization through decision making but also initiate a permanent organizational culture (Huse, 2009). This paper seeks to highlight the general concept of organizational governance paying empha sis to the good and bad organizational governance practices. This is achieved through an analysis of an organization thereby giving its strengths and weaknesses as far as governance is concerned. Organizational governance may be defined as the processes, Policies, and structures which an organization puts to use so as to not only gain direct control of the organizational activities but also realize organizational objectives and also protect the interest of the entire shareholder population and the society as a whole. The processes, Policies, and structures distinct of organizational governance enhance the handling of the interests of the shareholders and society in such a way that is based on the most appropriate moral and ethical standards. Another way of terming the words in the foregoing paragraph is that the function of organizational governance is basically the leadership function in an organization which offers direction within an organization manages risk and controls all the organizational activities. Based on this submission, the organizational governance can then be termed as a function which enables the organization to: Comply with societal legal and regulatory rules Comply with the accepted business norms, ethics and meet the general societal social expectations of the organization. Benefit the society at the same time enhancing the interests of the stakeholders Report completely and honestly to not only its owners but also its regulators, stakeholders, and the general public in a bid to ensure responsibility for its conduct, decisions and performance Successful organizational governance requires that there exists synergy among its basic functions of its governing body. The governing body of an organization is made up of the board of governors, the management, the internal auditors and the external auditors. If synergy among these four organs of organizational governance exists, then the result is a well performing and efficient organization. The board of governor's responsibility is that it sets a governing and managing tone at the top. Being the focal point of all management activities in the organization it ensures ultimate accountability at every level of the organization and oversees all the organizational activities without necessarily managing them directly (Pointer & Orlikoff, 2002). The management is divided into two;

Chicken Run Essay Example for Free

Chicken Run Essay The implications if a major customers had gone into is level, it will affect the company cash flow because every payment received the company may have to use it to cover its operating expenses apart from getting profit. Accumulated debtors will show the collection department performance. Low cash flow will affect many areas in an organization. The company may have to make another loan to run it business. Other than that it may have problem to run the business if the cash flow is low. For example, if the company unable to pay the suppliers on time. The supplier may stop to supply product to the company. If the suppliers really stop supplying product, the company may face problem to produce product. This will directly affect the company sales because its fail to produce product to its customers. If the company do not work hard to reduce this important area they may be looking at legal remedies, or even write off debts and that means spending money to get money. The other implication is that, the company will have a very unhealthy debtor’s aging. Where it is supposed to be a guidelines to the company. For example when a debtor reach it limit, the company should be alerted to chase payment based on the debtors aging. But in this case, Encik Selamat has been giving authority to the marketing department to continue supply products to Cold Gold Sdn Bhd because of the closed relationship. Indirectly, it shows that Encik Selamat does not performing his duty rationally. Which effect his image as a manager. He is supposed to show his leadership by having a very good judgement. For example to stop supply products to Cold Gold Sdn Bhd until they settle their debts. Refer to the case Chicken Run; i) How would you assess the financial health of the company? I would assess the financial health of the company based on the gross profit of the company. The higher the gross profit the healthier it is. Of course we have to consider the operating expenses of the company but operating expenses are still under the company control and discretion before we can get the net profit. Other than that, I would assess the financial health of the company by obtaining a history of your company’s financial statements. Five years’ worth is usually a good base. Next, convert the financial statements to common size. Common size financial statements are simply a company’s financials expressed in the form of percentages rather than dollars. A common size format readily identifies trends and growth patterns. Additionally, since industry benchmark data is often produced in this format, it makes it easier to compare the results with the competition. Industry benchmark information can be obtained from a commercial vendor, accountant, or depending upon the industry, from trade associations. Next, financial ratios are calculated. There are a number of ratios to choose from. Some of the more common measure liquidity, debt coverage, leverage, and operating and profit performance. Their relevance is dependent upon your company, its operating characteristics and the industry. Bankers and accountants can be especially useful in identifying the more pertinent ratios. The information gathered thus far is analyzed and compiled on a trended, composite and industry basis. The results of this analysis, when performed  regularly, help you to monitor and recognize the vital statistics necessary for the success and growth of your business. The benefits of this assessment include: Competitive Advantages Disadvantages An industry assessment enables you to identify your company’s strengths and weaknesses and acquire valuable information on the competition. Budgeting Forecasting Studying trends and growth patterns is a very effective preliminary step in preparing internal budgets and forecasts. Strategic Planning Recognizing specific performance measurements (company and industry) will help to set goals and objectives for the future (e.g., increasing sales, gross profit margins, and net income). Acquisition Opportunities Knowledge of key performance measurements assists in the evaluation of a proposed sale, merger or acquisition. Focus Greater awareness of the interrelationship of the financial statements and a complete understanding of financial operations allows you to focus on the areas important to the growth and success of your business. ii) What would you suggest as appropriate course of actions? As an appropriate course of actions, I would suggest the directors to refer the â€Å"Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance 2012† as a guidelines to take action against Encik Selamat which involves in unethical activities such as conflict of interest and lack of integrity. Other than that, the internal control of the company should be revised. For example the debtor collection procedures. It has to follow proper standard operating procedures such as when invoices issue to a customers, the payment terms must follow the credit period. Any payment overdue must be chase every month. If it reach the 120 days amount overdue, warning letter should be  issue to the debtors, then stop supplying product to the debtors until payment made. Besides that, Internal Audit must be done regularly. This is to audit the operation run based on the standard operating procedures. Any discrepancy found must be rectify immediately to avoid any unwanted issue to happen. For example, Ms Choy has discovered that the credit limit of Cold Gold Sdn Bhd, one of its major customers had gone into its level and yet the marketing department continued to supply products to the company. If the company do internal audit regularly, this issue may not happen because the internal auditor will detect the problem while it is still under early stage. Other than that, this will avoid Encik Selamat from making unethical activities due to his awareness from the internal auditor. Monthly meeting also can help in this case. Where, Encik Selamat required to report the company performance monthly. In this case, the company should have monthly credit meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to make sure all debtors are monitored closely. Any amount hanging in the debtors aging should have remarks or the status should have been identified. For example, if the debts is not paid within the 30 days period, it should state the reason why? At least we know that chasing of debts run actively by the collection department. If the debtors do not pay according to their credit period, the management at least can give suggestion and acknowledge about that issue.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Changes And Trends Of The Hospitality Industry

Changes And Trends Of The Hospitality Industry In the last few decades, the hospitality industry has gone through many changes. According to Go and Pine, (1995) and Guerrier et al. (1998), changes in the industry are mainly due to the globalization, the changes are mainly due to globalization. Supported by Barrows C.W and Power T. (2009) globalization, in a sense has become old news but with the falling of trade barriers brought on by the North American Free Trade Agreement and the European Community has made borders seem nonexistent. With North America and European countries having a major trading role with other countries, the ease of financial transaction and information is an important step in the restructuring of the hospitality industry. Besides globalization, the growth of multiple ownership of hotels and stronger hotel brandings in the late 90s and early 20s has affected the hospitality industry, especially in organizational structure. (Go and Pine, 1995 Guerrier et al, 1998) Moreover, in this day and time, while those changes are still relevant, there are many other factors that contribute to the ever-changing nature of the hospitality industry. World changing incidents such as the tragic terrorist events in North America, Madrid, London and Bali, the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), hurricane Katrina, the economy downturn, the A (H1N1) influenza pandemic and political tensions of the past decade will have a lasting effect on how the hospitality industry will operate. While there are challenging issues in the past, never has the industry have to face with so many issues at one time. However, in the face of these challenges, the hospitality industry is set to beat expectations on economic recovery with Global Travel Tourism Economy real GDP growth is expected to rise by 2% this year beating the estimate of 0.5%, and thus creating an extra 946,000 job worldwide. (WTTC, 2010) High profile hospitality institutions have gotten together and hosted pa nel discussions and studies on the effects of these tragic incidents on the industry particularly on the terrorist incident of September 11, 2001. Both short term and long term effects are seen on the hospitality industries. These studies have identified different effects ranging from people not travelling for any reason to travelling for important needs and finally to somewhat normal travel patterns of the past. Surely but slowly the patterns will reach normal levels but the question here is when. Trends of the hospitality industry These days as more and more people travel the world be it for pleasure or business, they want somewhere as close to home to feel comfortable. However, there are other people who want otherwise, something different rather than having the same feeling at home, they want a different experience of living style which they can only dream off. (Weissinger, 2000) Therefore, there are many diverse types of hotels that sit under the umbrella definition of hotels. On that note, the front office department is often considered the nerve centre of a hotel and is unchanged in terms of roles to be played. (Bardi, J.A., 2007) According to Vallen and Vallen (2004) front office is defined in terms of role as the first and main contact point between a guest and an operating hotel. Generally the front office activities can include all functions that center around the reception desk and its allied areas. This can be simplified from greeting guests, providing of information, checking in and out, till the m oment they leave the property. Roldan (2004) states that the key to success of a hotel business starts off with the first contact between the guest and the hotel personnel. Being the first contact point, the front office staffs first impression upon a hotel guest is vital; the way they are received and treated can mean repeated patronage in the future. The future professionals of the industry have to analyze who their customers are and what they want. In todays day and age, Bardi J.A., (2010) and Barrows C.W., and Power T., (2009) supports Go and Pine, (1995) and Guerrier et al., (1998) in its changes of factors in the industry and moreover identifies additional aspects such as the different trends of customers that foster growth in the industry, the author says that, the trend towards the increase in leisure time and working less years is one reason behind the growth. The second factor would be the pleasure concept of consumers that was brought forth Barrows C.W., and Power T.,(2009) reinforced by Bardi, J.A.,(2010) stating that the work ethic of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries have greatly influenced the way Americans play, as recreation and leisure was were considered privileges. With that in mind, in the world today, as the current trend for discretionary income in the emergence of two-way income and family planning is booming, the hospitality industry is changing. Problem Statement The hospitality and tourism industry is an ever-changing industry with new technological advances and trends that comes in waves and then disperses. Hotels being a part of the industry have to adapt and change as well. The hotel front office is one area that has to constantly reorganize with the changes in the industry. In regards to the fluctuating environment of the industry, the industry is still making a comeback, stronger each year. Both the demand and supply for workers are present at state; however, the qualities of these workers are still in question. The high labour turnover experienced in the hospitality industry is common in this day and time and can be due to many factors such as long working hours, low pay, the wide array of job opportunities and many more. In the hospitality industry, especially in the hotel sectors, service is the key to retaining customers (Maxwell, Watson and Quail, 2004) and is what separates competition these hotels from one another. Therefore, it is not a problem to be taken lightly and this study aims to take a look at the people of the workforce itself. Research Questions What are the key skills and attributes needed to be effective in the front office department? Does graduating with a high school certificate, diploma or degree in hotel management make a difference in terms of performing? What are the future prospects of front office employees? What are the intentions of front office employees? What are the natures of front office work? How do the industry players retain its employees? Research Objectives To investigate and analyze the key skills and attributes to be effective in the front office department. To look into the subject of obtaining a high school certificate, diploma or degree in hotel management; does it make a difference? To further gain insight on the future prospects of front office employees. To investigate the intentions of front office employees and what they want. To investigate further the scope of front office work. A research into the whys of employee turnover reasons. With the informed data gathered upon answering said questions on top, the enablement of the hospitality industry players to estimate Hypothesis Human Capital > Internationalization Human capital positively affects the internationalization of an enterprise. Human Capital > Service Innovation Human capital positively affects the innovation of service employees in regards to their work. Internationalization > Performance Internationalization affects the performance of a firm whether it is financially or through guess satisfaction level. Service Innovation > Performance The innovation of the workforce leads to better performance and guest satisfaction. Theoretical / Conceptual Framework The original Degree of Internationalization Entrepreneurial Orientation Performance Service Innovation Human Capital The original framework was built for professional service firms especially small and medium enterprises (SME) (Radulovich, 2008). It was constructed to relate a service firms entrepreneurial orientation, human capital, the firms degree of internationalization, service innovation, and performance. This framework was constructed upon thoroughly examining in the aforementioned areas above. Adapted Framework Degree of Internationalization Human Capital Performance Service Innovation Skills and training (Human Capital) > Internationalization and Service Innovation > Effective workforce > Guest Satisfaction and Performance This framework has been adapted and changed accordingly to fit into the hospitality industrys index. The core conceptual framework is unchanged with the exception of excluding the Entrepreneurial Orientation aspect which is highly unlikely to affect the core concept and theory that is to be explained. As changes are made, Human Capital will now be the core driving force. Hypothesis Related to Human Capital and Degree of Internationalization In a study done by (Hitt, et al, 2006) concludes that human capital is a primary resource contributor to professional service international expansion. The theory here is that a firms degree of internationalization is closely related to the human capital of the organization. Key factors identified as contributing factors are knowledge (Autio Sapienza Almeida, 2000) and also top management characteristics (Bloodgood, Sapienza Almeida, 1996). This study also identified that the characteristics and experience of the top management team relates positively to the internationalization of an organization. Another more recent study also proves that there is empirical study which shows support for human capital resources as influencing degree of internationalization. (Hitt, Bierman, Uhlenbruck, Shimizu, 2006) Therefore it can be concluded that there is positive influence of human capital professional service towards the internationalization. Hypothesis Related to Human Capital and Service Innovation Human resources can be defined as interpersonal and business skills and is proven that there is a positive effect on a firms innovation strategies. In a study done in the US, human capital at both the individual and firm level is identified as a positive effect on service innovations (Zhou, 2007). Shane (2000) also recorded that prior knowledge affects an individual ability to perceive new opportunities and to contribute innovative solutions. To support this theory, an in-depth study was done with 8 firms conducting a study on examining innovation and opportunity recognition and is reported that prior experience affected their ability to perceive opportunities and innovate. (Edelman, Brush, Manolova, 2005). Furthermore, the prior knowledge and specialized knowledge of the internal human resources are significant contributors to the innovation of work speed and competition level as recorded in Taiwanese high-tech ventures. (Wu, Wang, Chen, Pan, 2008) Hypothesis Related to Degree of Internationalization and Performance Studies relating the degree of internationalization and performance are not new and there is empirical evidence to support this theory which positively affects a firms performance (Bloodgood, Sapienza, Almeida, 1996; Delios Beamish, 1999; Grant 1987; Hitt, Hoskisson, Kim, 1997). Studies also show that as a new venture firm gets into the international markets earlier gains better advantages over their competitors and improved performance. (Brock, Yaffe, Dembovsky, 2006). In the view of hospitality terms, a brand name can be created upon trust and loyalty which is an important factor for continuous visits. Hypothesis Related to Service Innovation and Performance Service innovation on service performance has been theoretically and empirically confirmed with studies done in recent years. It is confirmed that in differing context of globalization that innovation still improves performance of a firm. Zhou, Yin and Tse (2005) have documented this relationship in their study done in the emerging market of China. As China is a transitioning and developing market, it is only comparable to the market of Malaysia. The comparison of the effects of China to the economy of Hong Kong found that innovation plays a major role in both these markets. (Luk, Yau, Sin, Tse, Chow, Lee, 2008) Scope / Limitations Scope: In this study, the author has chosen to conduct the research in all 5 star hotels in the area of the city of Kuala Lumpur. This scope will help dictate and represent city hotels in Malaysia as it is busiest all year round, and the job scopes of the hotels are wide enough to obtain data. On a deeper level, a survey will be conducted to all front office staff (e.g. Front office attendant, bellboy, front office accountant, etc) in order to obtain information. Limitations: As for limitations, time restraints and resource limitations would be the biggest factor. As the author would only have approximately 6 months to collect and analyze the data, the depth of the research may not be too detailed. Besides that, there will be a limit to research options available to the author due to insufficient knowledge on research ways and as this will be the first research paper done by the author. Notwithstanding, being a student, there will be limitations in terms of access to data because of monetary issues and outlets to gain information in the industry. Significance of Study This research paper intends to analyze the different behavioural needs and wants of the front office workforce. By gathering the work backgrounds, studying the motivation factors and the intentions of this group, a better and effective workforce can be established to be in line with the transitioning aspect of the industry. Ongoing research is a must in this area because of the ever-changing prospects of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry, especially the front office department. Key skills and attributes are to be identified as a benchmark for structure when hiring by the Human Resource department. This paper would be a guideline for the hotel industry players to attain information on the behaviour of front office staff and their intentions for the future. Employing and constantly motivating a workforce is one of the hardest things to keep up in any industry. Without proper information on the behaviour and the intentions of the workforce, being in a labour intensive workforce and s ervice oriented industry, there surely will be a loss in terms of customer satisfaction and the profits of a hotel and this is unacceptable. Chapter 2 Literature Review Hospitality Skills and Nature of Hotel Front Office Work Jobs commonly retain a low-skill character, especially in the fastest-growing sectors Bradley et al (2002) (p.129) The hospitality sector is growing with a tremendous rate, especially in East Asia and the Pacific, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. These areas are forecasted to show a rate of 5% growth each year and 4.1% in Europe and Americas. (WTO, 2010) There has been long standing debate over the skills and nature of the front office work. It is widely characterised in both academic and popular press as a low-skilled job dominated by low skills profile. (Wood, 1997) In support of this theory, Shaw Williams (1994) first claimed that the hospitality industry workforce were uneducated, unmotivated, untrained, unskilled and unproductive (p. 142). Upon further research, the nature of front office work revealed by one side is in terms un-unique (Mullins, 1981; Lashley Morrison, 2000). Mullins and Lashley argue that the technical skills of the hospitality sector have relevance and can be applied to other sectors of the economy. Another dimension of why there is the public perception that the hospit ality industry is regarded as low skilled is because there are no real prerequisite for employment in terms of qualification (Huddlestone and Hirst, 2004). As far as the research of Baum Devine (2007) and Baum (2007) goes the educational attainment of a person is not an influencing factor to undertake the front office job. In terms of front office, the industry has considerable cross-over work of other sectors such as office administration, accounting, and IT systems management, these generic skills tend to overlap each other. In this argument, where is the uniqueness of work skill? By any means the hospitality industry is just borrowing a number of skill forces from different industries, in this case with a lower pay wage and a lower career development opportunity. This theory of unskilled labour in the hospitality industry does not go uncontested, in the forthcoming years after the thesis (Baum, 1996, 2002). Baum questions the validity of hospitality work as a low skilled job universally based solely upon the assumption of westernized, international hospitality work. It may be perceived so in general, but it is not applicable in the developing world whereby the technical demands and skills are lower than those of the developed countries. Another such example of a considerable contest comes from Burns (1997), Burns categorizes the labour force into two, skilled and the unskilled. Burns uses a very distinctive definition of skills in the hospitality for this saying: the different sectors that comprise tourism-as-industry take different approaches to the human resources, and that some of these differencesare due to whether or not the employees have a history of being organized (either in terms of trade unions or staff associations with formalised communication procedures. (p.240) Both these factors are separated by manpower planning paradigns for the manufacturing sector and as for the workforce, it comes in traditional power, organization. The workforce takes control through the use of trade unions and control the supply of labour through apprenticeship and training. Contributing factors worth noting are factors put forth by Seymour (2000) and Warhurst et al (2000), gives an added dimension to the work of hospitality employees. Seymour adds in emotional labour arguing that the added management of emotions as part of the day to day job is the difference between working in fast food as opposed to traditional areas of service work. The added emotional labour is there for the benefit of guest experience and that they are paid to do it. In Baum T. (2007), it is further perceived that there is the need for emotional intelligence (EQ) as defined by Goleman (1998) . . . the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships. (p. 317). Explained by Warhurst et al. (2000) and Witz et al. (2003) the added aesthetic labour to the tools of trade is indeed of importance to the hospitality workers, especially to front office staff. In describing aesthetic labour it is the skill required to look, sound and behave in a manner that is required for the job while meeting the expectations of the customers. They have to demonstrate the ability to engage in different aspects with the customers such as cultural, social, and economical matters. This on hand requires a certain level of education to be obtained. What industry wants: employers preferences for training. In the industry, while representatives state that they prefer industry skills and experience above education skills and knowledge, it is only realistic that a mixture of both these qualities are required, which is lacking in the workforce. (Smith Kemmis, 2010). In the hospitality industry most of the training is informal. Only a small portion (14%) of employees has gone through higher education in the respective industry. ( 2-1) The other 86% comes from the private sector and employer training in the industry. It was found out in a study that the National Vocational Qualification curriculum, found out that training in higher educational institutes would not cut it in the industry. (People1st,2009) In the same interview, two interviewees stated that on-the-job training is particularly the way to go in an industry that is interaction based in order for skill development. The focus on experience and skill over education is proved in a study done. vocational education and training (VET) practitioners Both industry groups felt that the most important skills and knowledge for trainers to possess were related to industry rather than education There was a lack of tradition of training in the industries compared with other industries, with relatively new qualifications for most jobs, and managers in the industries were underqualified , meaning it was difficult for them to drive high standards in training. Given these circumstances it is perhaps surprising not that training for the service industries exhibits many challenges, but that it does the job as well as it does. This observation was supported by hospitality employers who acknowledged the difficulties faced particularly by TAFE teachers, and were very ready to make excuses on their behalf. The recession, as in Australia, had provided opportunities for cross-fertilisation among industries as people lost their jobs in one sector and looked to move into other work where the skill set was similar (People1st, 2009). The standard of service in both industries was felt to be lower than required (especially in a situation where customer expectations were continually rising), with both industries also reporting a need for improved management skills. The hospitality industry had a skill shortage in chefs (People1st, 2009). Customer service is paramount in these industries; Maxwell, Watson and Quail (2004, p. 159) point out that for hospitality the customer reigns supreme, and Huddlestone and Hirst (2004, p. 6), for retail, state customer service is becoming the most essential employee skill. In a study of training in the Hilton chain, Maxwell et al. (2004, p. 269) note that a service culture is deeply imbued in organisational structures and practices, and cannot be added on simply by training individual staff. Chapter 3 Research Design and Methodology 3.1 Overview In this chapter of the sample proposal, an explanation on the research methodology and design is written. In the first part of Chapter 3, there will be a brief introduction on the purpose, aims and objectives and benefits of the study. Following that will be a discussion on the research design of the study. Exploratory details such as the population, sample and sampling procedures are discussed. On the third section of the chapter, there will be added explanation on the data collection procedures and data analysis steps. A brief explanation on the questionnaires will be given to give an insight on the questions asked. 3.2 Introduction The purpose of this study is to illustrate the current behaviour conditions of the front office. The information gathered will compose of the nature of front office work, education attainment level, skills, work background, attitudes towards the area of work and plans for the future. By analyzing these areas and acquired from these group of people in the hospitality industry will enable the industry players such as managers, policy and decision makers to get a more personal insight look at the wants, needs and future perspectives of these in demand people. Appropriate changes and more effective strategies in regards to high satisfaction levels can be developed and be used in the industry to decrease labour turnover and low level performances. 3.3 Research Design Population The study is intended to collect data on one of the most important workforce in the hospitality industry; the front office workers. The population of the survey intended will be Front Office workers in the area of Kuala Lumpur. Sample The sample population identified in the survey goes by the different distinct areas of Kuala Lumpur (Table 1). The sampling method that will be used is Cluster sampling. Having already divided them into different location categories, the target sample is then identified as the front office workforce in hotels. Name of Hotel Area/Location JW Marriot Hotel Bukit Bintang Park Royal Kuala Lumpur Bukit Bintang The Ritz Carlton Kuala Lumpur Bukit Bintang The Westin Kuala Lumpur Bukit Bintang Sheraton Imperial Kuala Lumpur Golden Triangle Hilton Kuala Lumpur KL Sentral Le Meridien Kuala Lumpur KL Sentral Ascott Kuala Lumpur KLCC Crowne Plaza Mutiara Kuala Lumpur KLCC Hotel Maya Kuala Lumpur KLCC Hotel Nikko Kuala Lumpur KLCC Mandarin Oriental Kuala Lumpur KLCC Micasa All Suite Hotel KLCC Pacific Regency Hotel Suites Kuala Lumpur KLCC Prince Hotel and Residence KLCC Renaissance Kuala Lumpur Hotel KLCC Shangri-La Hotel Kuala Lumpur KLCC The Gardens Hotel and Residances Mid Valley Palace of the Golden Horses Mines Grand Dorsett Subang Hotel Petaling Jaya Holiday Villa Subang Petaling Jaya Sunway Resort Hotel and Spa Petaling Jaya The Saujana Kuala Lumpur Petaling Jaya Table 1 For this study, a survey will be carried out on all the 5 star hotels in the city of Kuala Lumpur. On identifying the 5 star hotels located around Kuala Lumpur, the works of were used. This will be verified again by Upon identifying the sample population, a sample frame will be created to categorize the hotels into different location categories for the enablement of easier data managing. An invitation will then be sent out to the General Managers of each selected hotel for approval on participating with the survey. Upon approval, the questionnaires will be distributed among the front office staff of the hotels. 3.4 Data Collection Procedure Primary data The data collected from the questionnaire will be the main source of primary data. Secondary data much research has been done regarding the effectiveness of a workforce and how to improve. These sources are highly resourceful and will come in helpful when data analysis is been done. The theories and conclusions can be used to support and disregard some of the findings in this study. The secondary data may come from a number of literature forms such as journal articles, textbooks and written experiences. A formal proposal will be sent out to the General Managers of each of the selected hotels to ensure participation in the survey. Upon approval, the identification of all front office staff is indentified and recorded. As per identifying all the front office workers (night auditors, concierge, bellboy, front office assistant, etc) in the selected hotels, the questionnaire will then be distributed electronically to the head of the front office department; Front Office Manager. After the questionnaire is finished, the questionnaires should be collected and given back for data analysis. The data received will then be analyzed with the help of the SPSS data software. With the help of the SPSS program, bias answers and unreliable answers can be disregarded. As the data is sorted out and conclusions are done, comparisons will be done to reaffirm findings or to oppose them. 3.5 Questionnaire Design The goal of the questionnaire is to collect data from within the front office department. To achieve this, questions pertaining to the nature of the job, the work background, intentions for the future and key skills and attributes will all be posted. In regards to explaining the structure of the questionnaire in sections, there will be 4 sections. The first section of the questionnaire will be in regards to personal details. The second part of the questionnaire will be closed ended questions with choices to choose from. This part of the questionnaire is to get a response from the employees regarding their views on the hospitality industry. The third section of the questionnaire will be about the nature of the front office work, and also to get an inner look to their needs and wants. The fourth and final section is designed to completely give freedom to the respondents with open-ended questions regarding their views on management levels and their thoughts on training and skills in the industry.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

This also shows early ego deficits at the level of part-object relations formulated by Klein (1975) on early ego deficits. Self-esteem is the main factor perpetuating eating disorder symptoms, then treatment outcome should improve her self-esteem, which in turn improves her symptom in eating disorder (Fairburn et al., 2003; Yellowlees, 1997). Treating self-esteem improved eating disorder symptomatology again was shown by the study by Newns (Newns, Bell, & Thomas, 2003) and raising self-esteem helped to maintain the change that obtained after the treatment (Beresin, Gordon, & Herzog, 1989; Hsu, Crisp, & Callender, 1992; Peterson & Rosenvinge, 2002; Rorty, Yager, & Rossotto, 1993). Ms MA had shown to have chronic low self-esteem since adolescence when her academic performance was worse than all her siblings yet she always put unrealistic goal for herself. In addition, her mother always liked to compare her with other siblings which further lower her self esteem. Subsequently, her fai led marriage life made her self-esteem broken down and she had begun to attempted suicide. She then decided to push herself up and work to support her daughter, so she used â€Å"bulimia† and â€Å"binging† as her defense mechanism and so she could continue to function. Treatment methods could be used for bulimia is: Psychodynamic, Cognitive behavioral and Disease/addiction. A psychodynamic psychotherapy emphasizes internal conflicts, motives, and unconscious forces. The belief is that addressing and resolving the underlying cause for disordered behaviors, they may not return or lapses. (Medina LM, 2003) The most frequently applied concepts of brief psychodynamic psychotherapy have been the methods developed by Luborsky, Horowitz, Shapiro and Firth, and Davanlo... ...ent is important to ensure the success of this treatment. To continue this kind of therapy for too long without symptom change seems unnecessary and unfair. As for Ms M, she has decided to make a change to her obesity and health. In addition, she began to stop her impulsive eating after attending dietitian and Bariatric surgery clinic. Thus, the risk for the symptoms to continue is not existence. The priority now is to raise her self-esteem, to gain her new understanding, to change her interpersonal skill which subsequently ensured long-lasting change. This could be achieved by the psychotherapy to improved her insight and subsequently patient developed a more adaptive way of relieved her stress. While she was attending a nutrition clinic and she was dieting to reduce weight, psychotherapy at this moment would increase her self-esteem and self-confidence to change. Essay -- This also shows early ego deficits at the level of part-object relations formulated by Klein (1975) on early ego deficits. Self-esteem is the main factor perpetuating eating disorder symptoms, then treatment outcome should improve her self-esteem, which in turn improves her symptom in eating disorder (Fairburn et al., 2003; Yellowlees, 1997). Treating self-esteem improved eating disorder symptomatology again was shown by the study by Newns (Newns, Bell, & Thomas, 2003) and raising self-esteem helped to maintain the change that obtained after the treatment (Beresin, Gordon, & Herzog, 1989; Hsu, Crisp, & Callender, 1992; Peterson & Rosenvinge, 2002; Rorty, Yager, & Rossotto, 1993). Ms MA had shown to have chronic low self-esteem since adolescence when her academic performance was worse than all her siblings yet she always put unrealistic goal for herself. In addition, her mother always liked to compare her with other siblings which further lower her self esteem. Subsequently, her fai led marriage life made her self-esteem broken down and she had begun to attempted suicide. She then decided to push herself up and work to support her daughter, so she used â€Å"bulimia† and â€Å"binging† as her defense mechanism and so she could continue to function. Treatment methods could be used for bulimia is: Psychodynamic, Cognitive behavioral and Disease/addiction. A psychodynamic psychotherapy emphasizes internal conflicts, motives, and unconscious forces. The belief is that addressing and resolving the underlying cause for disordered behaviors, they may not return or lapses. (Medina LM, 2003) The most frequently applied concepts of brief psychodynamic psychotherapy have been the methods developed by Luborsky, Horowitz, Shapiro and Firth, and Davanlo... ...ent is important to ensure the success of this treatment. To continue this kind of therapy for too long without symptom change seems unnecessary and unfair. As for Ms M, she has decided to make a change to her obesity and health. In addition, she began to stop her impulsive eating after attending dietitian and Bariatric surgery clinic. Thus, the risk for the symptoms to continue is not existence. The priority now is to raise her self-esteem, to gain her new understanding, to change her interpersonal skill which subsequently ensured long-lasting change. This could be achieved by the psychotherapy to improved her insight and subsequently patient developed a more adaptive way of relieved her stress. While she was attending a nutrition clinic and she was dieting to reduce weight, psychotherapy at this moment would increase her self-esteem and self-confidence to change.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

A Liberal Education Makes an Educated Man or Woman :: Teaching Education Essays

A Liberal Education Makes an Educated Man or Woman The idea of a liberal education is what universities are moving towards. A liberally educated person is someone whom is educated in many different areas other than their major area of study. Colleges encompass a liberal education in their curriculum by including a liberal studies program. A liberal studies program requires certain courses, and various electives outside a student’s major. The reason for these required classes is to broaden the minds of the students, so they can tolerate different views and understand the behaviors of different people they may encounter in their lives. The first year of college for me, has been productive in starting to become liberally educated. I have taken four classes outside of my major, which is hotel and restaurant management. The outside classes I have taken are math, biology, and two English courses. I feel that taking these classes is going to help me in my career and in life. For example I want to be a chef, chefs have to know how to use math properly. If a chef does not have proper math skills and he needs to increase, or reduce a recipe the food will not turn out as it should be. This in turn would limit his ability to perform his job properly. This example is just one a many reasons why being liberally educated is a necessity in today’s world. The extra classes that I have taken thus far are certainly not enough for me to be liberally educated. I need to learn as much as I possibly can while I am at college, to consider myself a liberally educated person. The next step for me to become liberally educated is next semester, I am going to take public speaking. Public speaking will help me in everything I ever do, because people skills are the most important skill to have. A couple semesters down the road I know that I will be taking a Shakespeare course because being able to understand Shakespeare will greatly improve my ability to read and understand literature. Another step I am going to take in becoming liberally educated will be taking psychology courses. Understanding human nature and the human brain are very important in communicating properly with people who have different views and beliefs than I do.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Fashion Conscious Creme

These are lines often heard in the fashion conscious creme de la creme of Indian society. The story is the same in almost any commercially ‘happening’ city in the world except that the names of the designers keep changing. This does not mean that the national designers have not made a dent in the world market! The Indian fashion world got global attention after Miss Sushmita Sen and Miss Aishwarya Rai won the much coveted Miss Universe and Miss World titles respectively in 1994. Critics look upon these victories as a multinational conspiracy to promote European and American products in post-liberalisation global India.But the reality of the Indian fashion world having made a name for herself cannot be denied. ‘Fashion’ refers to that which is in vogue. It is usually related to one’s dress sense and personality traits. In today’s global village, everything from the colour of your hair to the designer brand of your shoes is a part of your fashion statement. There is a natural desire in all of us to look good and our fashion sense essentially roots from there. This desire to look good is a primal instinct and should be respected because looking good is feeling good.The appearance factor also plays a very important role in the job sector because a good look obviates a sense of refinement and culture and communicates the right kind of values in one’s upbringing. The modem obsession with designer products sold at ludicrous prices, however, beats understanding. Some young man with multiple partings in his spiked hair sporting a loud T-shirt with torn jeans in perfect ‘harmony’ with the pierced eyebrows, nose, lip and navel is not sporting any attitude; he is simply epitomising the fall of man to a level of vulgarity which is worse than bestial. Fashion should not be confused with arrogance or impudent disrespect for traditional norms and the values of our seniors. Fashion â€Å"The Craze Among Youth†.E very person is fashion conscious. Fashion is very popular among the school boys and girls. They do it in a competitive spirit to look smart, up-to-date  and attractive. Students like actors and actresses. Some of them see a film to copy the latest fashion. It is mostly the college students who look upon fashion as the very stuff of their conscience. Being fashionable is the only real passport to high society and popularity in the college. Students put on expensive and fascinating clothes of the latest cut, color and design. The students spend a lot of money on clothes and other things in life for sake of variety.They do not realize that they are wasting their precious time and energy in this effort. In addition, they waste the hard-earned money of their parents. Students have become crazy after fashion. But this is all being done at the cost of their studies. They are wasting the precious time of their life. Sometimes, poor parents are burdened with fashion bills. 853 Words Free S ample Essay on FashionThus, every one should try to have some leisure and make the best use of it by taking to some good hobby or the other. Great caution should be exercised; in choosing a hobby. We should choose a hobby which recoups our energy and provides relaxation and recreation. Young people all over the world are becoming more and more fashion conscious. Young students, whether boys or girls, are crazy about it they want to look smart and beautiful by wearing dresses of the latest designs.In order to boost the sales of their dresses, leading cloth mills and dress ¬making firms engage reputed fashion designers and beautiful models. Fashion parades and shows are held in big five star hotels to exhibit the latest dresses. Fashion is no longer the monopoly of women. Even men have great fancy for it. In fact, the latest uni-sex dresses like shirts and jeans can be worn both by the girls and the boys. Today, the biggest centers of the latest fashions in the world are Paris,†¦

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Learning and perception Essay

Learning and perception can be related regarding the sensory abilities of the human mind to understand, calculate, and assign learning experiences to our sensory motors. For instance, a child will stay away from a stove if he/she is burned by an eye. At this typical age, a child is unaware of the concept of heat or hot but they can register thousands of experiences through their use of touch. In perceptional learning, human instincts are the accomplices in discovering new and exciting experiences through sensory (Freeman, 1991). According to Freeman (1991), learning has an impact on our ability to perceive experiences accurately. As an example, a child that views domestic violence on a daily basis may assume it is natural. This child could develop an ineffective sensory to pain by observing and experiencing it from a violent adult. In turn, the child may develop an innocent perception that pain is equal to normal. His or her learning of domestic violence is different from others so his or her perception of violence may not affect their judgment during a violent occurrence with others (Perception, 2006). Another obvious connection of learning and perception is the human’s ability to adjust oneself to the visual make up of others in a social surrounding. Debutants contribute to the development of young women and men. Their intentions are to teach social etiquette for proper associations mainly available in higher social classes. For instance, a debutant from a wealthy family may see a debutant from an underprivileged home as an equal if financial status was not a factor. The visual perception of the reality is seen only superficially. As the learning of the financial status of both debutants are known, the image might change one’s perception of the underprivileged Debutant. The relationship between perception and learning is evident in every day life in which people learn of their surroundings and act accordingly (Freeman, 1991). Works Cited Freeman, Walter J. â€Å"The Physiology of Perception† Scientific American, Vol. 264 (2) 78-85. Perception. Accessed on December 15, 2008 at http://www. a2zpsychology. com/PSYCHOLOGY_GUIDE/Perception. htm.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Retrofitting Suburbia How to turn undefined, unstructured places into Dissertation

Retrofitting Suburbia How to turn undefined, unstructured places into legible, coherent, accessible spaces and the effects - Dissertation Example These areas have a pragmatic and emotional significance for every citizen (Lynch, 1960). Legibility can be defined as the facility with which symbols can be interpreted. Legibility is effectively the facility with which individuals comprehend the perspective of a location. In composing questionnaire surveys, Lynch delineated a format of interpreting legibility based on five components. These components are recognized as Thoroughfares, borders. Districts, Landmarks and Hubs. These were delineated as follows: Thoroughfares Thoroughfares are venues of travel which are familiar to the citizenry. These are the venues by which the individuals regularly, occasionally or possibly transport themselves. Examples of thoroughfares are: pathways, transit routes and railroad modes of transport. The consistency of the thoroughfare is reliant upon its dimensions, its inclination and the occupations which occur upon it (Lynch, 1960). Borders Borders can be defined as the limits which are formed from one part of the city to another. Borders can be characterized as coastlines, natural and man made geographical socio economic and political limitations. The consistency of the borders in a municipal environment is reliant upon the man made or geographical parameters of the limits which are assigned to a municipality (Lynch, 1960). Districts Districts are characterized by the distinction in geographical location, the architecture of which they are composed, the socio economic, geographical and political characteristics by which they are formed and the occupations which take place within them. The consistency of a district is reliant upon its population, its geographical location, the socio economic and the aspects of the citizenry which occupy it. Examples of districts are commercial areas, historical areas which are reserved for recreational purposes such as parks, commercial and cultural areas of activity within a municipality (Lynch, 1960). Landmarks Landmarks are geographical poi nts of reference which are mutually recognized by the individuals in a city as being frames of references. A landmark may be a natural characteristic of the city, a location of historical importance represented by a commemorative aspect or a construction which is outstanding in its characteristic which is outstanding in its environment. Examples of landmarks may be hills, historical monument, facilities in the municipality which are mutually recognized among the other buildings and geographical aspects of the environment (Lynch, 1960). Hubs Hubs are recognized as being the centers of activity in a municipality. There are characterized by the activities which occur within the. A municipality may be characterized as a hub if it has connections with other municipalities in the area by means of commerce, socio political activity, population density, cultural and transport characteristics of interconnection with other areas (Lynch, 1960). The Formation of Mental Maps An individualâ€℠¢s perception of their surrounding is defined as mental map. A mental map is the individual’s paradigm of their recognized surroundings. Mental maps can be researched by requesting direction to a landmark, path, edge or hub. They can also be characterized by an individual’